
CCR Office of Science and Technology Resources (OSTR)

The Center for Cancer Research (CCR) Office of Science and Technology Resources (OSTR) explores and evaluates the latest technologic advancements and then makes them available to all CCR investigators. The OSTR negotiates with outside organizations on behalf of all of CCR to import new hardware, software, expertise, and services.

The OSTR coordinates partnerships, collaborative arrangements, scientific contracts, license agreements, and other technology transfer agreements with outside organizations and the private sector. Many of these agreements reduce the overall bureaucratic burden on individual laboratories, resulting in significant cost savings to the National Cancer Institute (NCI). OSTR also manages core and technology-related resources through the creation of websites and databases and promotes training and education through seminars, workshops, and symposia on technologies and partnerships.

The Office serves as an initial point-of-contact for companies, providing them with information on major CCR research initiatives or other partnership opportunities, and advising them on the available mechanisms for collaborating with CCR scientists.

Management Team

David Goldstein, Ph.D.

David Goldstein, Ph.D.

Chief, Office of Science and Technology Resources
Mariam Malik, Ph.D.

Mariam Malik, Ph.D.

Assistant Director for Partnerships
Jason Foley, M.S., M.B.A.

Jason Foley, M.S., M.B.A.

Scientific Resources Coordinator