CREx Monthly Newsletter
Learn about the NIH Collaborative Research Exchange (CREx), Core Facilities, Webinars, & More
New NIH Resource Resources
Advance your research with the NIH Mouse Imaging Facility (MIF)
The NIH Mouse Imaging Facility (MIF) is a shared, trans-NIH resource. With cutting-edge imaging techniques for mice, rats, and other animal models (or tissue), MIF offers unparalleled support for your scientific research. Advance your research studies with state-of-the-art MRI, micro-CT, ultrasound, and optical imaging technologies.

NIH IRP Cores for Animal Resources
Apart from MIF, NIH has several Animal resources to support research, including cores that offer genetically engineered animal models, surgery, histopathology, high-throughput behavioral testing and more. Explore all these cores and more on CREx!

Training & Meeting Events
SeqSPACE 10 Year Anniversary: Past, Present, and Future
Tuesday, December 3, 2024, 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
The Sequencing Strategies for Population and Cancer Epidemiology Studies (SeqSPACE) webinar series was designed to share lessons learned about the application of next generation sequencing to cancer epidemiology research. This webinar will reflect on lessons learned, opportunities and challenges, and vision for the future of sequencing in cancer epidemiology.

BTEP: Bulk RNA Sequencing Analysis with Qiagen: From FASTQ to Biological Interpretation
Thursday, December 12, 2024, 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM
The Bioinformatics Training and Education Program (BTEP) has a session which will introduce bulk RNA sequencing analysis using Qiagen software. Participants will learn how to process FASTQ files and obtain differential expression using CLC Genomics Workbench as well as extract biological insight using Ingenuity Pathway Analysis.

NIH Intramural Core Spotlight Seminar: the NCATS Functional Genomics Lab
Thursday, December 19, 2024, 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM
The next seminar in this series features Ken Cheng, Ph.D., (Director, Functional Genomics Lab, NCATS) who will provide an overview of the Functional Genomics Laboratory. This will be followed by two presentations from Vinutha Balachandra, Ph.D. and Tzu-Ting Huang, Ph.D.

NIH Core Publications
An initial HOPS-mediated fusion event is critical for autophagosome transport initiation from the axon terminal
Article in Autophagy by scientists from NICHD and the Advanced Imaging Core at NIDCD. This article reveals critical roles for the HOPS complex in neuronal autophagy which deepens our understanding of the cellular pathology of HOPS-complex linked neurodegenerative diseases.