May 2024 Newsletter

CREx Monthly Newsletter

Learn about the NIH Collaborative Research Exchange (CREx), Core Facilities, Webinars, & More

NIH Intramural Core Resources

NHGRI Flow Cytometry Core

The Core performs high quality single cell analysis through the planning, design, execution, and analysis of flow cytometry experiments.

NIH IRP Flow Cytometry Facilities

Identify fluorescently labeled, or physically separate cells from a larger population using specific biomarkers.

NIH IRP Meeting Event

Biotech Connector: The Power of Electron Microscopy Technique

Thursday, May 23, 2024, 8:00 – 9:00 AM

This seminar will provide a brief overview of the advances in electron microscopy, including volume electron microscopy, techniques being performed at the Frederick National Laboratory.

NIH IRP Recent Publication

NIH Researchers Develop AI Tool with Potential to More Precisely Match Cancer Drugs to Patients

This work was performed by researchers at the National Cancer Institute and utilized the computational resources of the NIH High-Performance Computing Biowulf cluster.