Contact Information

Primary Contact

Pam Wolters
Co-director, Behavioral Health Core


9000 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20892


The Behavioral Health Core provides specialized research support to NCI clinical trials using neuropsychological and patient-reported outcome measures and develops protocols to investigate specific neurobehavioral and psychosocial effects of chronic illness.The Behavioral Health Core provides specialized research support to NCI clinical trials using neuropsychological and patient-reported outcome measures and develops protocols to investigate specific neurobehavioral and psychosocial effects of chronic illness.

Contacting This Facility:
Please refer to the contact details below. Please do not send your request via CREx.

Psychosocial Support and Research Program Director: Lori Wiener, PhD
Phone: 301.451.9148

Psychosocial Support and Research Program Child Pyschologist: Sima Bedoya, PhD
Phone: 301.451.9110

Health Psychology and Neurobehavioral Research Program Director: Pam Wolters, PhD
Phone: 240.760.6040

Health Psychology and Neurobehavioral Research Clinical and Training Director: Staci Martin, PhD
Phone: 240.760.6025

The BHC offers clinical and educational services to the patients and families enrolled on studies throughout the NCI and other NIH institutes, including comprehensive neuropsychological assessments; individualized interventions to promote coping with medical procedures, managing pain, adhering to medication regimens and education/support groups. We also provide support and a wellness program to the NCI clinical staff.

We develop novel assessment tools to evaluate various areas of psychological and behavioral functioning that are not being assessed adequately by other measures. If there is a need for a behavioral questionnaire, survey, or interview on a specific topic, we can help investigators choose or develop such a tool.

Examples of patient-reported outcome domains we can assist with include:

  • pain intensity, pain interference
  • quality of life
  • physical functioning
  • anxiety or depression
  • sleep

We also develop educational resources and therapeutic tools for patients and families. Some tools in various stages of development include:

  • ShopTalk (therapeutic game with 3 versions, one for patients, one for healthy siblings of pediatric patients, and one for children of parents with cancer )
  • Voicing My CHOiCES (advance care planning guide for adolescents and young adults living with a life-limiting illness)
  • When A Cure is No Longer Available (guide for parents and caregivers)
  • DOCK 8 Deficiency Guide for Adolescents (psychoeducational guide for patients on medical and emotional factors of DOCK 8 Deficiency)
  • Providing End of Life Care: A Guide for Staff Supporting Patients and Families (not sure of official title, but this sounds about right!)
  • The Gift of Gerbert’s Feathers (storybook to help children talk about death)


Clinical Research Supportnci-ncrneuropsychologyemotional supportchronic pain