Contact Information

Primary Contact

Rick Huang, PhD
Facility Manager


37 Convent Dr.
Building 37, Room 2108
Bethesda, MD 20892

Additional Contacts

A.J. Morton
Zabrina Lang


NIH Intramural CryoEM Consortium (NICE) serves intramural investigators in all NIH IC’s. NICE provides access to state-of-the-art Titan Krios cryo-electron microscopes for atomic-resolution structure determination of protein, macromolecular complexes, membrane receptors, cellular organelles, and infectious pathogens, using single particle or cryo-tomography approaches. Fine detailed 3D maps computed by electron micrographs spark numerous biological insights in cancer research, infectious disease research, vaccine design, cell development, and human physiological and functional studies.

Microscopy Applications

Negative Staining and cryoEM sample preparation.
Negative Staining and cryoEM sample screening.
CryoEM Single Particle and tomography data collection.

Major Instrumentation

Building 37

Titan Krios 300Kv Electron Microscope with Gatan BioQuantum Image Filter and K3 Direct Electron Detector
FEI Vitrobot mach4
Leica Cryo GP2 
Ted Pella Easy Glow grid discharging system

Building 50
Tecnai 12 120kv Electron Microscope with US4000 camera (K2 summit in 2022)
2 Gatan 626 cryo holders
1 multi-specimen cryo holder in 2022
Gatan turbo pumping stations for cryo holders

User Guidelines

NICE is a resource available to intramural investigators in NCI, NIAID, NIEHS, NICHD, NIDCR, NEI, and NIA.


Cryo Electron microscopyEMcryoEMcryoEM single particleelectron microscopeChemistry and Structural Biologynci-corenegative stainingnih-coretomography