Contact Information

Primary Contact

Andrew Cabot
Health Physicist


21 Wilson Drive
Bldg 21, Rm 107
Bethesda, MD 20814


The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Research Services (ORS) Division of Radiation Safety (DRS) Radioactive Materials Control and Analysis Branch supports radioactive materials packaging/shipping.

Established Technologies

In accordance with Department of Transportation (DOT) requirements, all shipments of radioactive material including biological specimens must be packaged by an individual trained in DOT Hazmat requirements before they are offered for transport on public roads.

DRS maintains a roster of DOT-trained individuals who can perform this packaging service and arrange for shipping from Bldg 21.

There is no fee for this service; however there are fines and penalties issued by DOT if inspectors discover shipping violations (in other words, if researchers try to do the packaging and shipping themselves.)

User Guidelines

This service is available to any NIH research / clinical lab that needs to transfer / ship radioactive material to another institution or license.


DOTbiohazardous materialsbiohazardsbiological specimensdepartment of transportationLab Equipment and Fabrication Resourcesnih-corepackagingradioactive materialsradioactivityshipping