Cores & Facilities
From centralized laboratories to collaborative resources and technologies available to CCR Investigators.
Bioinformatics Resources
Discover expert help with analysis, processing applications, and licensed software packages.
CCR Collaborative Bioinformatics Resource
CCBR is a central resource group providing bioinformatics assistance to CCR researchers in designing, analyzing, and interpreting high-throughput biological experiments.
CCR Bioinformatics Training and Education Program
BTEP develops and coordinates bioinformatics lectures and training events aimed to empower CCR scientists with performing their own basic, informed set of analysis.
NCI Bioinformatics Community
NCI BC fosters collaboration and sharing of knowledge among members of the CCR, DCEG, and CBIIT bioinformatics communities.
Scientific Software
OSTR provides CCR investigators and collaborating NCI contractors with access to a variety of software licenses for genomic, proteomic and pathway analysis.
NIH Integrated Data Analysis Platform
NIDAP is a cloud-based data aggregation and analysis platform that provides user-friendly bioinformatics workflows and visualization tools to CCR scientists.
NIH High Performance Computing
Biowulf, a Linux cluster with over 105,000 processors, managed by NIH’s Center for Information Technology, is supported by ten high-performance storage systems offering over 35 Petabytes of storage. This high-performance computational resource provides access to various computational applications across scientific fields and is available to NIH Intramural investigators for a monthly charge of $40.00.
NIH High Performance Computing
FRCE, a 3000+ core Linux cluster managed by the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, is dedicated to NCI researchers, and offers preinstalled scientific packages and databases while new applications are available upon request. It includes flexible data storage options, potentially shorter batch wait times due to a smaller user base, and provides free accounts for NCI researchers.
Collaborative Research Exchange
Online marketplace for NIH investigators to easily identify, request services of NIH labs and facilities, and thousands of external partners.