Contact Information

Primary Contact

Uma Mudunuri


Building 1043
Frederick, MD 21702


THE ADVANCED Biomedical Computational Sciences (ABCS) group provides technology development, scientific consultation, collaboration and training, research, software development, and high-performance computing support. ABCS encompasses specialized groups focusing on machine learning applied to the interpretation of 2D and 3D biomedical images, clinical and genomics integration, computational chemistry, bioinformatic analysis of omics data, and other applications of computational and data science. In addition, ABCS offers access to databases and software resources for bioinformatics, image analysis, genomic analysis, and systems biology. ABCS is operated by Leidos Biomedical Research Inc. on behalf of NCI as part of the Frederick National Laboratory.

  • Advanced Structural Analysis (Quantum/Interactions/Modeling)
  • Bioinformatics Analysis
  • Biomedical Image Analysis
  • Computational Chemistry
  • Data Mining/Management/Integration
  • Machine Learning / AI
  • NLP/Text Mining
  • Scientific Application Development
  • Scientific Computing Support
  • Statistical Analysis
  • Support for NextGen sequencing platforms, applications, and tools
  • Other

User Guidelines

Support can be requested in the below areas by submitting a project request at


Algorithm developmentBioinformaticsComputational ChemistryGWAS analysisGenome Data analysisGenomicsImage analysis and visualizationLIMSModeling and simulationNCI Advanced Biomedical Computational Science (ABCS)NCI Advanced Biomedical Computing Center (ABCC)Nanoparticle modelingSystems biologyapplication developmentapplications developmentcomputational genomicsdata miningdatabase developmentdatabase integrationdatabase managementBioinformatics Biostatistics and Computingfunctional genomicslaboratory information managementmicroarraymolecular modelingnci-ncrnext gen sequencingprotein modelingprotein-ligand modelingproteome data analysisproteomicsweb applications