Contact Information

Primary Contact

Bethany Asare, Ph.D.


1050 Boyles Street
Building 1066, Room 127
Frederick, MD 21702


The Developmental Therapeutics Program (DTP) within NCI's Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnostics (DCTD), has maintained a low temperature repository of transplantable in vivo-derived tumors and in vitro-established tumor cell lines from various species. This Tumor Repository, located at the National Cancer Institute in Frederick serves as a resource for viable, pathogen-screened experimental tumor lines, many of which are not available elsewhere. The Repository makes these materials available to qualified investigators as a service to the cancer research community.

Please find the materials the DCTD Tumor Repository distributes here: DCTD Tumor Repository Catalog

Tumors are categorized by species: canine, guinea pig, hamster, human, mouse, rabbit, and rat. Within each animal species, the list is in alphabetical order by tumor designation.

User Guidelines

  • Please do not send your request via CREx.
  • Tumor materials are furnished to qualified investigators affiliated only with recognized research laboratories.
  • Find more information about requesting DCTD Tumor Repository materials HERE.


cancerCell Banking and Aliquotingguinea pighamsterhumanmousenci-ncrrabbitrattumorsxenograftscell line