Contact Information

Primary Contact

Dina Sigano, PhD
Facility Head


376 Chandler Street
Building 376, RM 225C
Frederick, MD 21702


The Chemical Synthesis Group is a component of the Chemical Biology Laboratory. This facility provides synthetic chemistry resources and expertise to the NCI Intramural community.

The facility’s capabilities include:

  • Providing expertise, consultation, and experience in areas of chemical synthesis and purification.
  • Providing custom synthesis and support for the development of small molecule tools or the synthesis of known ligands or probes which are not commercially available.
  • Synthesis of materials for pre-clinical investigations.
  • Support for small-molecule drug discovery through optimization of leads identified in high throughput screens.
  • Collaborative short-term sabbatical-type opportunities for post-doctoral fellows who wish to gain synthetic chemistry experience.

The Chemical Synthesis Group provides a means to access chemical technology for those groups within the NCI Intramural community which would not otherwise be capable of exploring these aspects of their research.

User Guidelines

To request services from this CCR facility, please contact Dina Sigano directly via email at 


CBL Synthesis CoreChemical Biology Laboratory (CBL)chemical purificationchemical synthesiscustom synthesisligandsmaterialsnci-ncrpreclinical small molecule drug discoveryprobessmall moleculesynthetic chemistry