Contact Information

Primary Contact

Langston Lim
Senior Biologist


Building 37, Room B114E
37 Convent Drive
Bethesda, MARYLAND 20874

Additional Contacts

Michael Kruhlak
Associate Scientist


The CCR Microscopy Core provides NCI investigators access to state-of-the-art imaging tools and techniques, including light sheet fluorescence, high-resolution confocal, multi-photon, and super-resolution microscopy. The mission of the CCR Microscopy Core Facility is to support the microscopy and digital imaging needs of investigators studying the biological structures and cellular processes involved in the cell biology of cancer by applying our diverse imaging resources, expertise, and quality customer service. The goal is to provide cutting-edge imaging technology, expert consultation and training, image analysis, and data management for investigators to advance their cancer research.

Established Technologies

  • multi-labeling
  • fixed and live
  • 2 photon
  • SHG
  • FRET
  • FRAP
  • FLIM
  • time lapse with heat, humidity, CO2, and multi-position
  • tiling


  • Nikon SoRa super-resolution spinning disk microscope
  • Zeiss LSM 780 for higher sensitivity confocal imaging (GaAsP detector)
  • Zeiss LSM 780 ELYRA for fixed cells super-resolution SIM imaging
  • Zeiss LSM 880/Airyscan for fixed and live cells confocal, super-resolution, and two-photon imaging
  • Zeiss Lighstsheet Z.1 for multiview imaging of large specimens

Developing Technologies

  • Intravital imaging
  • Photoactivation


2 photonCO2FLIMFRAPFRETLSMSHGStructural Illumination MicroscopyZeissZeiss 780Zeiss 780 Elyra with SIMZeiss 880 Airyscan NLOconfocalImaging and Microscopyfixed and livehumiditymulti-labellingmulti-position time lapsenci-coreoptical imagingsuper resolution microscopytilingtime lapse with heat