Core Resources
Imaging and Microscopy
CCR Electron Microscopy Laboratory (EML)
Frederick, MD
The EML offers investigators access to unique expertise and EM technologies that allow CCR Investigators to explore new avenues of research in order to enhance the knowledge of biological systems. To assist our customers, we provide complete specimen preparation service which includes shipment of fixative, processing, embedding, sectioning, and imaging of samples. If desired, investigators can also discuss the design of custom protocols tailored to their specific needs. EML is operated by Leidos Biomedial Research Inc. on behalf of NCI as part of the Frederick National Laboratory. Established … [learn more]
CCR Optical Microscopy and Analysis Lab (OMAL)
Frederick, MD
OMAL focuses its research and development activities to quantitatively understand the molecular basis of three-dimensional (3D) cell organization, motility, invasion, and differentiation using fixed samples and live, 3D tissue culture models (i.e., translational models). OMAL is a CCR-dedicated facility. Prospective users and collaborators should first consult the following website before contacting OMAL staff: is operated by Leidos Biomedial Research Inc. on behalf of NCI as part of the Frederick National Labora… [learn more]
CCR Spatial Imaging Technology Resource (SpITR)
Bethesda, MD
The Spatial Imaging Technology Resource (formerly the Nanoscale Protein Analysis Section of the Collaborative Protein Technology Resource or CPTR) provides expertise and service in state-of-the-art protein analysis technologies to advance CCR research in basic discovery and translation/clinical studies. Applications include: Quantitative profiling of cell signaling and post-translational modification, Measurement of cytokine, metabolite and serum/plasma markers , Identification and validation of biomarkers & therapeutic targets, Assessment of on‐ and off‐target drug activity and … [learn more]
Laboratory of Cancer Biology and Genetics (LCBG): Microscopy Core
Bethesda, MD
The LCBG Microscopy Core offers imaging technologies and training. The Core has established instrumentation for for 2D and 3D imaging of both fixed and living specimens. [learn more]
Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology ( LCMB): Microscopy Core
Bethesda, MD
LCMB Microscopy Core offers live cell imaging technologies as well as super-resolution, fluorescence lifetime and confocal imaging systems for immunofluorescence. Our confocal instruments are a Leica SP8 laser scanning confocal microscope and a Nikon spinning disk confocal microscope. We also house a Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) microscope with capability to perform super-resolved Single Molecule Localization Microscopy and incuabtion chamber equipped epi-fluorescence imaging systems for long-term live-cell imaging experiments. Established Technologies: Live … [learn more]
Laboratory of Receptor Biology and Gene Expression (LRBGE): Optical Microscopy Core
Bethesda, MD
The core provides access to several different state-of-the-art 3D microscopes as well as computers to visualize and process image data. The facility houses equipment for 2D or 3D imaging of fixed and living specimens. High resolution images can be obtained by confocal microscopy or deconvolution, and super-resolution techniques SIM, STORM, MINFLUX. Single Molecule tracking is supported on MINFLUX, and custom HILO-illumination microscopes. Established Technologies: Facility personnel are available for consultation about the design of imaging experiments and/or the analysis of image da… [learn more]
NCI LASP Small Animal Imaging Program (SAIP)
Frederick, MD
The function of the SAIP is to collaborate with NCI investigators in the development of mouse models, new molecular imaging probes for early detection and therapy, monitor tumors in vivo, and perform drug efficacy studies utilizing in vivo imaging techniques. In addition, the SAIP collaborates with the NCI Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD) Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory (NCL) to analyze nanoplatforms as part of the cascade assay and assist DCTD initiatives in developing standards in small animal imaging, integrate imaging into drug development, and develop par… [learn more]
NHLBI Murine Phenotyping Core
Bethesda, MD
The NHLBI Murine Phenotyping Core carries out physiologic and behavioral testing in a diversity of mouse models for NHLBI and other NIH institutes. Established Technologies: Cardiovascular Phenotyping, Metabolic Phenotyping, Pulmonary Phenotyping, Behavioral Phenotyping, Exercise Physiology, Echocardiography, In vivo functional vascular phenotyping, Advanced Imaging Modalities (whole body high frequency ultrasound imaging, vascular imaging), [learn more]
The CCR Microscopy Core
Bethesda, MARYLAND
The CCR Microscopy Core provides NCI investigators access to state-of-the-art imaging tools and techniques, including light sheet fluorescence, high-resolution confocal, multi-photon, and super-resolution microscopy. The mission of the CCR Microscopy Core Facility is to support the microscopy and digital imaging needs of investigators studying the biological structures and cellular processes involved in the cell biology of cancer by applying our diverse imaging resources, expertise, and quality customer service. The goal is to provide cutting-edge imaging technology, expert consultation … [learn more]
The Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR) Molecular Histopathology Laboratory (MHL)
Frederick, MD
The FNLCR Molecular Histopathology Laboratory (MHL) provides comprehensive veterinary pathology support for animal health monitoring, biomarker discovery and validation, drug development, genomics, and proteomics on a cost recovered basis. The MHL is organized into multiple process groups with cross-trained experts in animal study design, phenotyping of genetically engineered mice (GEM), immunopathology, anatomic pathology, toxicological pathology, and specimen classification/selection for tissue microarray (TMA) construction or laser capture microdissection (LCM). Established… [learn more]