LCMB Microscopy Core offers live cell imaging technologies as well as super-resolution, fluorescence lifetime and confocal imaging systems for immunofluorescence. Our confocal instruments are a Leica SP8 laser scanning confocal microscope and a Nikon spinning disk confocal microscope. We also house a Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) microscope with capability to perform super-resolved Single Molecule Localization Microscopy and incuabtion chamber equipped epi-fluorescence imaging systems for long-term live-cell imaging experiments.
1)Leica SP8 scanning confocal microscope, equipped with Falcon-FLIM module (for FLIM and FRET-FLIM experiments), and Leica Lightning module (for fast simultaneous multi-color super-resolution fluorescence imaging).
2)Nikon Eclipse Ti2 inverted microscope equipped with Yokogawa CSU-X1 spinning disk confocal system, 3-channel simultaneous confocal detection.
3)Nikon Eclipse TE2000 inverted microscope with total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF), and super-resolution fluorescence detection (N-STORM) modules.
4)Olympus XI81 epifluorescence microscope with an enclosed incubator and a precise motor-controlled stage.
5) The Core also houses a Keyence all-in-one automated epifluorescence microscope, general use bright-field/epi-fluorescence microscopes with color camera detection and a stereo microscope. T
6)Three workstations for image processing with high-quality graphic cards, large RAM capacity and high-speed solid-state drives for rapid processing of large 3D and 4D image data.
The microscopes at the LCMB Microscopy Core are available for use to all members of NCI, free of cost. Facility staff provide training to all NCI users on the instruments at the LCMB Microscopy Core. Advanced NCI users, fully trained and cleared for independent use by facility staff, are free to use the microscopes by themselves after scheduling time slots on the calendar. However, only LCMB members can use the instruments at times when the Facility staff are not present (i.e., evenings and weekends). Access and training are also provided to non-NCI users with a fee.