Contact Information

Primary Contact

Ru-Ching Hsia
Principal Scientist


8560 Progress Drive
Frederick, MD 21701

Additional Contacts

Ferri Soheilian
Associate Scientist


The EML offers investigators access to unique expertise and EM technologies that allow CCR Investigators to explore new avenues of research in order to enhance the knowledge of biological systems. To assist our customers, we provide complete specimen preparation service which includes shipment of fixative, processing, embedding, sectioning, and imaging of samples. If desired, investigators can also discuss the design of custom protocols tailored to their specific needs. EML is operated by Leidos Biomedial Research Inc. on behalf of NCI as part of the Frederick National Laboratory.

Established Technologies

  • Transmission electron microscopy (TEM)
  • Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
  • Cryo-electron microscopy
  • Electron tomography
  • Nanoparticle analysis (soft matter and hard matter)
  • Elemental analysis by energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy
  • Selected area electron diffraction
  • Consultation/training
  • Image data storage and access

Major Instrumentation

Hitachi TEMs: H-7600, H7800, H-7800

Hitachi SEM: S-4500

User Guidelines

EML services are available to all CCR Investigators. To request services from this CCR-dedicated core facility, you must submit your requisition through NAS.


cryo electron microscopyelemental analysisenergy dispersive x-ray spectroscopyImaging and Microscopyimmuno electron microscopynanoparticle analysisnci-corescanning electron microscopy (SEM)transmission electron microscopy (TEM)