Contact Information

Primary Contact

Jeff Carrell
Manager, CCR Frederick Flow Core


Building 560, Room 31-54
Frederick, MD 21702


The CCR-Frederick Flow Cytometry Core Facility provides research support to the Frederick-CCR community, including cytometry analysis and sorting services, instrument maintenance, new user training, and technical consultation.

Typical Assays Performed by Core Instruments

  • Immunophenotyping of mouse and human cells
  • Apoptosis assays, including Annexin V, TUNEL, caspase activation, or mitochondrial membrane potential
  • Cell cycle (DNA content) analysis
  • Cell health and proliferation monitoring
  • Sterile Cell sorting (physical separation) for bulk collection or deposition in 96- or 384-well plates
  • Sorting and analysis of cells by fluorescent reporters such as GFP, BFP, mCherry, etc.

Major Instrumentation

  • BD FACS Symphony S6 cell sorter in BSL2* lab with 5 lasers (blue/488nm, red/640nm, violet/405nm, yellow-green/561nm, UV/350nm).
  • BD FACSAria II SORP cell sorter in BSL2* lab with 4 lasers (blue/488nm, red/640nm, violet/405nm, yellow-green/561nm).
  • BD FACSAria II cell sorter with 5 lasers (blue/488nm, red/640nm, violet/405nm, yellow-green/561nm, UV/350nm).
  • BD FACSymphony A5 analyzer with 5 lasers (blue/488nm, red/640nm, violet/405nm, yellow-green/561nm, UV/350nm).
  • BD LSRII SORP analyzer with 4 lasers (blue/488nm, red/640nm, violet/405nm, yellow-green/561nm).
  • BD LSRII analyzer with 3 lasers (blue/488nm, red/640nm, violet/405nm).
  • BD Canto II analyzer with 3 lasers (blue/488nm, red/640nm, violet/405nm).
  • BD LSRII Fortessa analyzer with 4 lasers (blue/488nm, red/640nm, violet/405nm, yellow-green/561nm).
  • Miltenyi Biotec MACSQuant-16 analyzer with 3 lasers (blue/488nm, red/640nm, violet/405nm) and optional 96-well sampling.
  • Cytek Aurora Spectral Cytometer with 5 lasers (blue/488nm, red/640nm, violet/405nm, yellow-green/561nm, UV/350nm).

User Guidelines

The CCR-Frederick Flow Cytometry Core maintains instrumentation and provides cytometry training, analysis, and sorting services to CCR investigators. Services are made available to Investigators outside of CCR on a case-by-case basis. For the fee structure, please contact Jeff Carrell:

Trained, certified users may run their own samples on the analyzer instruments; staff operates cell sorter instruments. To request services from this CCR core facility, please contact Jeff Carrell and Megan Karwan by email or phone (301-846-5811).


AriaBDBiosciencesCytek AuroraFACSFACSCaliburFlowJoFortessaLSRIISymphonyapoptosiscell cyclecell sortingFlow Cytometryflow cytometryimmunophenotypingnci-corespectral cytometry