Contact Information

Primary Contact

Jon Inglefield
Lab Head


1050 Boyles St
Frederick, MD 21702


Clinical Support Laboratory – Flow Cytometry Section is a laboratory specializing in providing immunophenotyping support of NCI intramural clinical trials, though assessments may also be performed using cells from Non-human primates and other species. The CSL Flow cytometry core is operated by Leidos Biomedical Research Inc. on behalf of NCI as part of the Frederick National Laboratory.

Established Technologies

  • Immunophenotyping (up to 15-color)
  • Specialized immunophenotyping for clinical trial research – ICS and tetramer staining also available.  Frequently customized panels are made for co-expressed markers found within CD3, CD4, CD8, NK, B cells & myeloid cells
  • Intracellular markers, including cytokines
  • Proliferation analysis (Ki67)
  • Detection of fluorescent reporters, e.g., GFP
  • Dedicated program courier support for transport of samples to/from NCI-Frederick

Major Instrumentation

  • BD FACSCanto II – 3 lasers (405, 488, 633)
  • BD LSR-Fortessa – 4 lasers, 16 filters

User Guidelines

The Clinical Support Laboratory is open to all NCI intramural clinical investigators. Project scope is defined in consultation with the customer. Cost estimates based on actual time and materials are provided for investigator review/approval before any project is initiated.

To request services from this CCR core facility, you must submit your requisition through NAS.


FACSCanto I – 2 lasers (488FACSCanto II – 3 lasers (405Flow cytometryImmunophenotypingIntracellular cytokinesFlow Cytometrynci-coreFortessa