The CCR Genomics Core is located in Building 41 on the NIH Bethesda campus. The primary goal of the Core is to provide investigators from CCR/NCI and other NIH Institutes access to genomic technologies and Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) with rapid turnaround on smaller-scale projects or projects that are not ready for production. The Core is unique in granting user-accessible instrumentation. Additional resources include training, consultation services, bioinformatics support, and secure data delivery/management. We also provide DNA and RNA quality control (QC) services. The facility operates on a cost-recovery model for project-based expenses.
Illumina iSeq, MiSeq, and NextSeq 2000
Discuss your experimental design with the Core experts and a group of CCR bioinformaticians. Library preparation may be performed by the Core, or by individual users.
Nanopore Sequencing
Oxford Nanopore MinION (MinIT and MK1C instruments) and P2 Long-read sequencing of both DNA and RNA
Sanger Sequencing
2-3500xL Applied Genetic Analyzers
Samples are accepted in which sequencing reactions are completed by the user, as well as samples in which the sequencing reactions and clean-up are performed by the core.
Whole Plasmid Sequencing
Performed using long-read technology from Oxford Nanopore Technologies
Obtain full length consensus plasmid sequence without the use of primers
Analytical & Preparative Electrophoresis
Sage Science PippinHT- high-throughput sizing
Agilent 4200 & 4150 Tapestation – QC platform
RIN values
Droplet Digital PCR
Bio-Rad QX 200 AutoDG ddPCR System
The system includes an Automated Droplet Generator (ADG) that generates 20,000 droplets from one ddPCR reaction containing your target or background DNA. Hydrolysis probes (Taqman) or EvaGreen chemistry can be used on the system. After PCR the samples are transferred to a QX 200 Droplet Reader where individual droplet intensities are read. Contact Core staff to schedule project consultation, training, and access to instrumentation.
The assays are designed to measure up to 800 targets in a single reaction. The platform processes 12 samples simultaneously.
Digital Spatial Profiling of RNA and Proteins
NanoString GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiling (GeoMx DSP) offered in collaboration with the Collaborative Protein Technologies Resource (CPTR)
The Core has a dedicated bioinformatic consultant who advises customers on experimental design, interpretation of QC data and directs users to existing bioinformatic tools and other available bioinformatic entities.
Illumina iSeq 100, MiSeq, NextSeq 550, NextSeq 2000
Oxford Nanopore MinION and P2 Solo
Bio-Rad QX200 ddPCR
NanoString nCounter Analysis System
NanoString GeoMX DSP
Applied Biosystems 3500XL and 3730XL Genetic Analyzer
Agilent TapeStation (4200 & 4150) and Pippin HT