Contact Information

Primary Contact

Jan Wisniewski
Facility Head


9000 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20892


EIB Microscopy Facility has following instruments: 1) Abberior STEDYCON super-resolution (STED) microscope; 2) Zeiss LSM 880-NLO confocal / two-photon system; 3) Yokogawa CSU-W1 spinning disck confocal microscope and 4) Zeiss AxioObserver Z1 wide field microscope. As a multi-user facility, the different instruments provide a wide range of imaging modes for EIB scientists, from standard immunohistochemistry, through brightfield and wide-field epifluorescence imaging, to highly complex live cell confocal microscopy and super-resolution STED imaging. LSM 880 microscope is capable of advanced imaging techniques, such as FRAP, FRET, photoactivation/photoswitching, laser microirradiation, and spectral imaging. We continually develop or refine microscopy-based assays, aimed primarily at addressing questions related to cellular immunology, but are not engaged in developing new microscope technology.

We also advise users regarding image processing and analysis, and, when needed, write custom macros for ImageJ are facilitate those tasks.

Major Instrumentation

Abberior STEDYCON super-resolution microscope (on Nikon EclipseTi2): laser scaning confocal imaging with 405, 488, 561 & 640nm lasers; STED imaging with 561+775nm and 640+775nm

Zeiss LSM 880-NLO microscope: 365, 405, 420, 458, 488, 517, 561, 594, 633 lasers, 680-1080nm tunable two-photon laser (Chameleon Vision II), GaSP detectors (ncluding spectral)

Yokogawa CSU-W1 spinning disk confocal (on Nikon EclipseTi2): epifluorescence with LED VIS + UV illumination, confocal imaging with 405, 488, 561 & 640 lasers, Hamamatsu sCMOS and Andor EM-CCD cameras

Zeiss AxioObserver Z1:  brightfield imaging and epifluorescence (16-band LED illuminator)

TokaiHit and Zeiss stage-top incubators for live cell imaging experiments

User Guidelines

Dr. Wisniewski provides individual training for all new users and assists in both the use of Facility equipment and in the interpretation and analysis of data. EIB researchers have priority use of the facility, but it is open to the NCI/NIH research community as a whole.

Follow-up training sessions are conducted until users are comfortable operating the equipment. In general, users are encouraged to operate the equipment themselves. Users of the facility are requested to notify the Facility Head when images collected in the facility are published, or used in presentations at meetings, site visits, etc.


FRAPFRETLSMZeiss AxioObserver Z1 inverted widefield epifluorescence microscopeconfocal microscopyImaging and Microscopyphotoactivationphotoswitchingspectral imagingZeiss 880 NLO laser scanning microscopelive-cell imagingSTEDsuper-resolution microscopycalcium imaging