Contact Information

Primary Contact

Sandra Burkett


1050 Boyles Street
Building 560 32:35
Frederick, MD 21702


Molecular Cytogenetics Core Facility facilitates the assessment of structural and numerical genomic changes in pre-cancer and cancer research models. This core provides comprehensive support for the cytogenetic analysis of cells from human and research animal sources. A wide range of chromosome analysis techniques are available; ranging from basic G-banded karyotyping, to 24-color Spectral Karyotyping (SKY), as well as Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH) mapping of cloned DNAs.

Services include:

  • Karyotype characterization of new cell lines; human, mouse, and rat
  • Confirmation of cell line identity or stability
  • Karyotype screening of ES cells prior to transgenesis
  • Mapping of transgene integration sites
  • Chromosome copy number variation detection by karyotype or in situ-hybridization (ISH)
  • Publication-quality illustrations
  • Sister chromatid exchange (SCE)

Cytogenetic techniques available:

  • Short-term cell culture
  • Metaphase chromosome preparation
  • G-banded karyotyping

FISH techniques available:

  • DNA labeling for custom probe generation (for FISH projects)
  • DNA amplification by DOP-PCR
  • Chromosome painting
  • FISH mapping (on chromosomes, interphase nuclei or DNA fibers)
  • Tissue FISH (paraffin or frozen sections)
  • Immuno-FISH (DNA FISH combined with fluorescent immunostaining)
  • Spectral karyotyping (SKY) of human, mouse and rat

User Guidelines

The Core Head will discuss individual projects with investigators and provide advice on the appropriate type of materials required and the techniques for achieving the most effective outcome. Requests for additional chromosomal staining techniques not specifically listed above can usually be accommodated.

Recent Core publication list is available upon request.

This section works with investigators in utilizing FISH-mapped clones to further their research.


Aberration AssaysBAC clone FISH/Specialized FISH probesFISH AnalysisG C and R bandingKaryotypingSister Chromatid Exchange (SCE)Spectral Karyotyping (SKY)Transgene LocationTransgene localizationaneuploidycell culturechromosomal rearrangementschromosome rearrangementcomparative genomic hybridizationGenetics and Genomicshumanmousenci-coreperipheral blood