Contact Information

Primary Contact

Lalith Talagala
Technical Director


BG 10 RM B1D69
10 Center Drive
Bethesda, MD 20814


The NIH MRI Research Facility (NMRF) is a shared, intramural resource for human imaging studies. The NMRF is supported by all Institutes at NIH and reports to the Shared Resources Subcommittee (SRS) of the Scientific Directors. Administratively, NMRF resides within NINDS. The NMR Center Steering Committee provides the direct oversight for NMRF activities.

Service Offerings

  • Provide intellectual, technical and material support for investigators using its imaging and computer resources.
  • MRI using a state-of-the-art 7.0 T human MRI system and other resources required for anatomical, functional and spectroscopy studies.
  • MRI imaging and presentation
  • Prospective Motion Correction (PMC)
  • Computing workstations
  • Access to software applications

Major Instrumentation

ID access to B1D NMR Center is given only for the center staff and scientific users of the facility. You need to complete one of the Human Safety Training or Animal Safety Training course to gain ID access to the center. After completing the training, please click below to fill out the NMR Center access form.

User Guidelines

ID access to B1D NMR Center is given only for the center staff and scientific users of the facility. You need to complete one of the Human Safety Training or Animal Safety Training course to gain ID access to the center. After completing the training, please click below to fill out the NMR Center access form.


MRIClinical Research SupportImaging and Microscopyhuman imagingmagnetic resonance imagingnih-coreninds-core