Trans NIH Resources
Imaging and Microscopy
Chemistry and Synthesis Center
Rockville, MD
Trans NIH
The Chemistry and Synthesis Center (CSC) of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) provides IRP scientists with targeted imaging probes and chemical tools that help accelerate cell based assays, in vivo imaging studies, and translational research leading to better disease diagnosis and therapy. It comprises a core synthesis facility dedicated to the preparation of imaging probes, including radiolabeling for PET and SPECT applications, and a research component dedicated to the discovery of new imaging approaches and compositions. Established Technologies: PROTACS - Pr… [learn more]
NIBIB Advanced Imaging & Microscopy (AIM) Trans-NIH Shared Resource
Bethesda, MD
Trans NIH
The facilities at AIM are available for use by the entire NIH intramural research community. While we welcome users with any size imaging project, AIM specializes in large, yearlong (or longer), collaborative research efforts with NIH labs – providing sample preparation, microscope operation and development, and data processing/analysis as needed. We take care of the imaging and processing so that you can focus on the biology. Established Technologies: Microscope Description Spatial Res… [learn more]
NIBIB Biomedical Engineering and Physical Science (BEPS)
Bethesda, MD
Trans NIH
The Biomedical Engineering and Physical Science (BEPS) shared resource supports NIH’s intramural basic and clinical scientists on applications of engineering, physics, imaging, measurement, and analysis. BEPS is centrally located on the main NIH campus and provides expertise that spans technologies ranging in scale from near-atomic resolution to intact organisms. Established Technologies: Electron Microscopy The Electron Microscopy Unit provides instrumentation, training, and services for: immuno electron microscopy, electron tomography, and specimen preparation, including cryo-techniq… [learn more]
NIH Mouse Imaging Facility (MIF)
Bethesda, MD
Trans NIH
The Mouse Imaging Facility (MIF) is a shared, trans-NIH intramural resource for animal imaging studies. MIF provides access to state-of-the-art radiological imaging methods optimized for mice, rats, other animals and tissue samples. MIF provides intellectual, technical and material support for investigators using the MIF imaging facilities. The MIF is supported by all institutes at the NIH and reports to the Shared Resources Subcommittee (SRS) of the Scientific Directors. Administratively, the MIF resides within NINDS and is physically located in the NIH MRI Research Center (NMRC) in Building… [learn more]
Phone: (301) 594-3898
NIH MRI Research Facility (NMRF)
Bethesda, MD
Trans NIH
The NIH MRI Research Facility (NMRF) is a shared, intramural resource for human imaging studies. The NMRF is supported by all Institutes at NIH and reports to the Shared Resources Subcommittee (SRS) of the Scientific Directors. Administratively, NMRF resides within NINDS. The NMR Center Steering Committee provides the direct oversight for NMRF activities. Service Offerings: Provide intellectual, technical and material support for investigators using its imaging and computer resources. , MRI using a state-of-the-art 7.0 T human MRI system and other resou… [learn more]
NIH ORS Division of Veterinary Resources (DVR) - Pathology Service
Bethesda, MD
Trans NIH
The Pathology Service, Division of Veterinary Resources (DVR), Office of Research Services (ORS), provides diagnostic gross and histopathologic evaluation of any species of laboratory animals used in the NIH Intramural Research Program due to morbidity, mortality or unexpected findings. In addition, mouse phenotyping and transmission electron microscopy services are available. Established Technologies: The Pathology Service offers a Mouse Phenotyping Service with comprehensive pathologic analysis for genetically engineered mice. The Service provides standardized gross and histopatholog… [learn more]
Phone: (301) 496-4465