Contact Information

Primary Contact

Michael Eckhaus
Chief, Diagnostic and Research Services Branch


9000 Rockville Pike
Bethesda, MD 20892


The Pathology Service, Division of Veterinary Resources (DVR), Office of Research Services (ORS), provides diagnostic gross and histopathologic evaluation of any species of laboratory animals used in the NIH Intramural Research Program due to morbidity, mortality or unexpected findings. In addition, mouse phenotyping and transmission electron microscopy services are available.

Established Technologies

The Pathology Service offers a Mouse Phenotyping Service with comprehensive pathologic analysis for genetically engineered mice. The Service provides standardized gross and histopathologic analyses, including serum chemistries and hematology. The workup is designed to evaluate the expected and unexpected phenotypes of the gene manipulations. Analysis is recommended to be performed on age-matched mice to include wild type, homozygote and heterozygote mice. This service is offered by a fee for service mechanism and the current charge is $515/mouse.

The Pathology Service, Division of Veterinary Resources, ORS provides transmission electron microscopic analysis of diagnostic case materials originating from the Pathology Diagnostic Service. EM services are also provided to intramural research scientists on a time available basis. Inquiries may be made to Ms. Patricia Zerfas at 301-496-4464 or by email at

The Pathology Service, Division of Veterinary Resources, ORS offers collaborative research pathology support on a time available basis.

User Guidelines

Preliminary and final pathology reports are provided to the principal investigator, institute veterinarian and facility veterinarian.

A pathology submission form should be completed which is available online at


EMTEMcollaborative resarch pathology supportdiagnostic gross evaluationdiagnostic pathologyAnimal ResourcesImaging and Microscopygenetically engineered miceheterozygotehistopathologic evaluationhistopathologyhomozygotelaboratory animalsmicroscopic analysismouse phenotypingnih-corepathologic analysistransmission electron microscopywild type