Contact Information

Primary Contact

Jane Jones
Group Leader


8560 Progress Drive
United States
Frederick, Maryland 21702


The Protein Expression Laboratory produces proteins to help CCR investigators achieve their research goals with the lowest possible cost in the shortest time. PEL is operated by Leidos Biomedical Research Inc. on behalf of NCI as part of the Frederick National Laboratory.

Established Technologies

  • Clone construction for protein expression
  • Expression in microbial, insect, and mammalian cells
  • Small-scale parallel expression and purification testing
  • Protein purification from micrograms to grams

User Guidelines

PEL services are available to all CCR investigators. To request services from this CCR-dedicated core facility, you must submit your requisition through NAS. Excess capacity can be made available to other NCI Investigators on a case-by-case basis.


E. coliInsectSTRaffinity tag purificationbaculoviruscell culturecell line authenticationclone constructioncloningexpressionProteins and Proteomicsmammalianmutagenesisnci-coreprotein expressionprotein expression labprotein purificationqPCRshort tandem repeatyeast