Contact Information

Primary Contact

Tyler Malys


362 Miller Drive
Frederick, MD 21702

Additional Contacts

Alexander Mitrophanov
Sr. Statistican
Duncan Donohue
Sr. Data Scientist


The Statistical Consulting & Scientific Programming Group provides a wide array of statistical-consulting services to the scientific community at the NCI and the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR). The consulting statisticians collaborate with scientists and investigators, perform statistical analyses, provide technical reports, and prepare manuscripts for publication in scientific journals. Statistical consulting services are provided free of charge to the NCI and Contractor staff. The group includes three Ph.D.-level senior analysts, who are supported by programmers, bioinformaticians, and a data curator. The group utilizes both open source and proprietary scientific-computing software, personal workstations, high performance computer clusters (FRCE/BioWulf). The group operates via a contract with DMS, Inc., a BRMi company. 

Services include:

  • Inferential Statistical Analysis and Hypothesis Testing
  • Mixed and Random Effects Hierarchical Modeling Analyses
  • Bioinformatics, Microarray, and Proteomics Analyses
  • Repeated Measures Analysis, Longitudinal Regression, and Modeling
  • Survival, Time-To-Event, and Cox Proportional Hazards Regression Analyses
  • Linear and Nonlinear Regression Analyses, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Covariance (ANCOVA)
  • Categorical Data Analysis, Loglinear, Logistic, and Poisson Regression Analysis
  • Pharmacokinetics, Enzyme Kinetics, and Compartmental Modeling
  • Preparation of Manuscripts, Technical Documents, and Reports

User Guidelines

Services are available to FNLCR, NCI, NIH and associated investigators. To submit a consultation and assistance request, please contact the Director (Dr. Tyler Malys) at


Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)BioinformaticsCategorical Data AnalysisCompartmental ModelingCovariance (ANCOVA)Cox Proportional Hazards Regression AnalysesEnzyme KineticsHierarchical Modeling AnalysesHypothesis TestingInferential Statistical AnalysisLinear and Nonlinear Regression AnalysesLogistic and Poisson Regression AnalysisLoglinearLongitudinal RegressionMicroarrayPharmacokineticsRepeated Measures AnalysisSurvivalTime-To-EventBioinformatics Biostatistics and Computingnci-coreproteomics Analyses