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CCR Protein Characterization Laboratory (PCL)
Frederick, MD


Services Offered

Protein Characterization Laboratory (PCL) offers various technologies to CCR investigators to characterize proteins and metabolites. The laboratory develops and applies state-of-the-art analytical technologies, primarily mass spectrometry, liquid chromatography, and Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR), to advance the understanding of cellular function at the protein, proteomics, metabolite, and metabolomic levels. PCL engages in both short and long-term collaborations based on the need of each project. PCL is operated by Leidos Biomedical Research Inc. on behalf of NCI as part of the Frederick Nat… [learn more]

Director: Thorkell Andresson
Phone: (301) 846-7190
Trans-NIH Metabolomics Core (TNMC)
Research Training Park, NC

Trans NIH

Services Offered

The Trans-NIH Metabolomics Core (TNMC) is a shared research resource that performs metabolomics analysis (and related small molecule research) for investigators at all Institutes and Centers across the NIH Intramural Research Program. The TNMC is administered at NIEHS with participating laboratories at NIEHS, NIA, and NIAID. The TNMC was established in 2023 and continues to grow in the offerings provided, expertise, and participatory labs. Established Technologies: Metabolomics measures the small molecules – endogenous and exogenous – that underpin biological changes in response to diet, b… [learn more]

Director: Alan K. Jarmusch, Ph.D.
Phone: (984) 287-4523