Contact Information

Primary Contact

Tanja Davidsen
Branch Chief , Data Ecosystems


9609 Medical Center Drive
Rockville, MD 20850


The NCI Cloud Resources are components of the NCI Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC) that bring data and computational power together to enable cancer research and discovery. These cloud-based platforms eliminate the need for researchers to download and store large data sets by allowing them to bring analysis tools to the data in the cloud, instead of the traditional process of bringing the data to the tools on local hardware.

Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC)

  • Access harmonized, multi-omics cancer data – Data are available in nodes, harmonized and stored in a format that is ready for analysis by the research community
  • Store and share data and results – Store and share data across programs and institutions; Create data sets that incorporate data across scientific domains
  • Analyze data with innovative research tools – Discover and use innovative research tools and algorithms
  • Compute on the cloud – Leverage the elastic compute of the cloud

Datasets Currently Available Through CRDC

  • The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)
  • Therapeutically Applicable Research to Generate Effective Treatments (TARGET)
  • Foundation Medicine
  • Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation (MMRF)
  • Human Cancer Models Initiative (HCMI)
  • Cancer Line Encyclopedia (CCLE)
  • Clinical Proteomic Tumor Analysis Consortium (CPTAC)
  • BEAT AML 1.0
  • Pediatric Brain Cancer Pilot Study
  • NCICCR Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma study (NCICCR)
  • VA Research for Precision Oncology (VARePOP)

Cloud Resources

The NCI Cloud Resources democratize access to cancer data in the cloud on both Google and Amazon platforms.
  • Provide access to on-demand computational capacity to analyze the data
  • Allow users to run best practice tools and pipelines already implemented
  • Upload your own data or analysis methods to workspaces
  • Support for data access through:
    • Web-based user interfaces
    • Programmatic access to analytic tools and workflows
  • Sharing results with collaborators in workspaces

Resource Features

  • Access 2+ PB multi-omics cancer data from user-friendly web portals
  • Store and collaborate with colleagues securely and seamlessly
  • Integrate your own data
  • Deploy custom tools
  • Analyze data with innovative tools, ready-for-use workflows
  • Integrate with Jupyter Notebooks/RStudio for interactive analysis
  • Consult with expert support staff

All new users receive up to $300 in computation and storage credits. Interested? Register for a free account today!


Amazon AWSBioinformaticsCloud ComputingCloud storageData ScienceGenomicsGoogle GCPImagingNGCNext Generation SequencingPipelinesProteomicsScientific Cloudcomputationdatadata accessBioinformatics Biostatistics and Computingnci-ncrnih-ncromicsworkflows