Contact Information

Primary Contact

Yvonne A. Evrard
Operations Manager


Bldg. 31; Room 3A-44 31 Center Drive
Bethesda, MD 20892

Additional Contacts

Cindy Timme
Scientist II
Michelle Ahalt-Gottholm


The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is developing a national repository of Patient-Derived Models (PDMs) comprised of patient-derived xenografts (PDXs), patient-derived organoids (PDOrg) and in vitro patient-derived tumor cell cultures (PDCs) and cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs).  These models serve as a resource for public-private partnerships and for academic drug discovery efforts. These PDMs are clinically-annotated with molecular information available in an easily accessible database available to the extramural community.

List of Services

  • Distribute clinically annotated, early-passage, molecularly characterized patient-derived models and derivatives created from cancers across solid tumor histologies and hematologic malignancies
  • Wherever possible, a matched PDX, PDOrg, PDC, and CAF are created from each unique tumor source
  • Target of 50 unique tumor models per common cancer type such that the size of each molecularly characterized subgroup reflects the genetic diversity of the disease, and is sufficiently powered to preform studies for target qualification, predictive biomarker development, and preclinical 'clinical' tirals.
    •  In addition, the NCI is specifically targeting collection of tissue from cancer types in need of more publicly available biological models including rare cancers and tumors from patients of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds to more faithfully represent the diversity seen in the clinical setting.
    • Models are generated from patients with primary and metastatic disease, treatment naive and pre-treated, as well as from pre- and post-treatment specimens from the same patient.
  • Provide SOPs based on PDMR best practices for tissue collection, PDM generation, and model quality control; thereby, setting the standard for generation, maintenance, and analysis of PDMs
  • Provide a standard set of molecular characterizations across models, and where possible the matched originating patient specimen, to allow selection of the best model for research, including:
    • List of key oncogenic and likely oncogenic variants using the OncoKB annotated levels of evidence 
    • Whole exome sequencing and gene expression analysis of early-passage PDMs 
    • Histopathology of early-passage PDMs 
    • Growth curves of consecutive PDM passages
    • Molecular characteristics such as MSI, HLA,  genetic disease subtypes, and inferred genetic ancestry 
    • Early-passage cryopreserved PDX fragments or in vitro models available for distribution
    • DNA, RNA, and flash-frozen fragments for protein extraction from early-passage PDXs available for distribution

User Guidelines

To ensure the most current information is being used for requesting material, visit the NCI PDMR Materials Request page at or contact the NCI PDMR directly for guidance  All material are distributed under a Materials Transfer Agreement and terms of use are provided on the NCI PDMR website.


PDCPDXcell culturecryopreservedCell Banking and Aliquotingfibroblast cell linesnci-ncrpatient dervied xenograftspatient-derived ell culturerepositoryorganoid