Trans NIH Resources
Bioinformatics Biostatistics and Computing
NIH Biowulf Computational Cluster
Bethesda, MD
Trans NIH
The NIH Biowulf Cluster provides researchers with a world-class system to assist in solving complex biomedical problems as diverse as gene variation in worldwide human populations, deep learning to model protein structures, and PET brain scan processing to identify plaques associated with Alzheimer’s disease. The Biowulf cluster requires an HPC account and a justification describing the computational requirements of the proposed research project. Customer Benefits: The Biowulf cluster comprises over 105,000 cores communicating over dedicated high-speed networks and utilizing shared file… [learn more]
NIH ORS Division of Library Services (DLS) - Resources
Bethesda, MD
Trans NIH
The NIH Library is a biomedical research library, whose collection and services are available at no cost to NIH staff: Electronic Resources: Over 20,000 electronic journals, 150,000 eBooks, and 50 databases., Training classes covering topics such as bioinformatics, systematic reviews, writing and publishing, and more., Services: NIH Library services are supported by expert librarians and information specialists at no cost to NIH staff:, 3D Printing (digital modeling and printing), Bibliometrics (customized reports on publication metrics), Bioinformatics Support … [learn more]
Phone: (301) 496-1080
Statistical Support at ABCS
Frederick, MD
Trans NIH
The centrally funded Statistics team within the Advanced Biomedical Computational Science group at the Frederick National Lab provides statistical consultation and data analysis support for NCI laboratories. We have broad-range expertise in biomedically relevant areas of applied and computational statistics, as well as related subjects. The team can help with both advanced and standard statistical analyses. These include data-sample comparisons (such as pairwise comparisons and ANOVA), linear or nonlinear regression, linear or nonlinear mixed-effects modeling, survival analysis, power and … [learn more]
STRIDES Initiative
Bethesda, MD
Trans NIH
The Science and Technology Research Infrastructure for Discovery, Experimentation, and Sustainability (STRIDES) Initiative The STRIDES Initiative aims to help NIH and its institutes, centers, and offices (ICOs) accelerate biomedical research by reducing barriers in utilizing commercial cloud services. This initiative aims to harness the power of the cloud to accelerate biomedical discovery. NIH and NIH-funded researchers can take advantage of STRIDES benefits. These key benefits include: Professional services—Access to professional service consultations and technical support from the S… [learn more]