Technology Video Library

The OSTR offers cutting-edge technology platforms to the CCR scientific community through centralized facilities. The videos accessed through this page are designed to introduce the various scientific methodologies OSTR makes available through the cores on both Frederick and Bethesda campuses.

Technology Seminars

A collection of technology seminars given by scientists outside of CCR, either other programs at NIH or the biotechnology sector. The technologies presented in these videos are made available to all CCR investigators through core facilities or other laboratories at NIH.

Core Spotlight Seminars

A series of seminars highlighting the resources offered by various NIH Core facilities. Each seminar features an overview of the Core’s capabilities, followed by a testimonial showcasing how the Core supported a specific research project.

Technology Educational Videos

A collection of short technology presentations given by CCR-dedicated facility managers. These videos offer CCR investigators insights into various advanced technologies made available to support CCR research.
Functional Genomics Lab
Ken Cheng, Ph.D., Director, Functional Genomics Lab, NCATS. Presentation Title: “Overview of the Functional Genomics Laboratory”. Core Spotlight
NHGRI Zebrafish Core
Raman Sood, Ph.D., Associate Investigator, Office of Scientific Core Facilities, Director, Zebrafish Core, NHGRI. Presentation Title: “Genome editing services and phenotyping resources provided by the NHGRI Zebrafish Core”. Core Spotlight
NIAID’s Mouse Genetics and Gene Modification Section and Laboratory of Immune Systems Biology (LISB)
CRISPR/Cas9 genome edited mouse models: Gene Knockout, Knock-In, Conditional Knockout and more. Core Spotlight
Why Cryo-Electron Microscopy?
Capturing High Resolution Images of Macromolecular Complexes. Educational
Trans-NIH Metabolomics Core and NIEHS Metabolomics Core Facility
“Shared Chemistries of Disease: Hypothesis-driven metabolomic and lipidomic applications across disease systems. Core Spotlight
Nanostring Brings Innovation to Molecular Biology
Profile the entire transcriptome and more than 570 proteins on a single slide with the GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiler. Seminar
Nanopore Sequencing for Single cell and Spatial Applications
Oxford Nanopore Technologies and 10X Genomics provide updates on using long read sequencing for single cell and spatial applications. Seminar
Heather Kalish, Ph.D., Unit Chief, Micro Analytical Immunochemistry Unit, BEPS, NIBIB. “Microanalytical Immunochemistry- what we do and how we can help!”. Core Spotlight
Proteomics Analysis using Mass Spectrometry
Analysis of Post-Translational Modifications by Mass Spectrometry. Educational
Center for Advanced Tissue Imaging (CAT-I)
This seminar will detail IBEX, RAPID, Ce3D, and other technologies, show examples of their application to various tissues and cancers. Seminar
Crosslinking and Limited Proteolysis
Structural Mass Spectrometry related to crosslinking and limited proteolysis mass spectrometry approaches. Educational
Animal Research Services
NIH ORS and NIH CREx Panel Discussion Series. Panel 2: Animal Model Research Services. February 24, 2022. Core Spotlight
Structural Mass Spectrometry
Structural Mass Spectrometry related to crosslinking and limited proteolysis mass spectrometry approaches. Educational
10X Platforms
Pushing the Boundaries of Single Cell with Chromium 10X. Seminar
Core Spotlight Seminar
“Biology Goes 3D: Volume Electron Microscopy of Biological Specimens”. Core Spotlight
Core Spotlight Seminar
Mitochondrial Network Formation as a Tissue-Specific Phenomenon in a Mammalian Model of Extreme Metabolism. Core Spotlight
Quantitative Mass Spectrometry
Quantitative mass spectrometry, specifically the global discoveryexperiments in mass spectrometry. Educational
NINDS Viral Production Core
“An Introduction to Viral Vectors and the NINDS Viral Production Core Facility”. Core Spotlight
PTM Mass Spectrometry
PTM mass spectrometry, specifically the analysis of post-translational modifications by mass spectrometry. Educational
NINDS Laboratory of Functional and Molecular Imaging
“Viral Enabled Study of the Neurons and Circuits Underlying the Brain’s Response to Peripheral Injury”. Core Spotlight
Interactome Mass Spectrometry
Interactome mass spectrometry approaches specifically, proximity-dependent biotinylation for mapping protein complexes mass spectrometry. Educational
Core Services: Mass Spectrometry
NIH ORS and NIH Collaborative Research Exchange (CREx) Panel Discussion Series. Panel 1. October 27, 2021. Core Spotlight
Visualizing Cells in 3-D and at the Nanoscale Level
An introduction to focused ion beam scanning electron microscopy (FIB-SEM) as it relates to visualizing cells in 3-D and at the nanoscale level. Educational