Search Results for: PDX

Total Results Found: 4

Total Results Found: 4

DCTD Tumor Repository
Frederick, MD


The Developmental Therapeutics Program (DTP) within NCI's Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnostics (DCTD), has maintained a low temperature repository of transplantable in vivo-derived tumors and in vitro-established tumor cell lines from various species. This Read More...

NCI LASP Mouse Modeling & Cryopreservation (MMC)
Frederick, MD

Core Facility

The Mouse Modeling Core assists NIH investigators by generating and preserving genetically-engineered mouse strains. Services include scientific consultation, gene-targeting in mouse embryonic stem cells, micro-injection of nucleic acids, proteins, or ES cells into mouse embryos, Read More...

NCI Center for Advanced Preclinical Research (CAPR)
Frederick, MD


The Center for Advanced Preclinical Research (CAPR) specializes in evaluating the efficacy of preclinical compounds, existing drugs, or biologics (therapeutics) in genetically engineered mouse (GEM) models, GEM-derived allograft (GDA) models, or patient-derived mouse xenografts (PDX). Read More...

NCI Patient-Derived Models Repository (PDMR)
Bethesda, MD


The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is developing a national repository of Patient-Derived Models (PDMs) comprised of patient-derived xenografts (PDXs), in vitro patient-derived tumor cell cultures (PDCs) and cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs) as well as patient-derived Read More...