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Lab Equipment and Fabrication Resources
NIBIB Biomedical Engineering and Physical Science (BEPS)
Bethesda, MD
Trans NIH
The Biomedical Engineering and Physical Science (BEPS) shared resource supports NIH’s intramural basic and clinical scientists on applications of engineering, physics, imaging, measurement, and analysis. BEPS is centrally located on the main NIH campus and provides expertise that spans technologies ranging in scale from near-atomic resolution to intact organisms. Established Technologies: Electron Microscopy The Electron Microscopy Unit provides instrumentation, training, and services for: immuno electron microscopy, electron tomography, and specimen preparation, including cryo-techniq… [learn more]
NIH ORS Division of Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS) - Lab Equipment Support Services
Bethesda, MD
Trans NIH
In support of Intramural Research Program (IRP) scientists, DOHS provides training, consulting and resources to ensure that laboratory equipment is used and maintained properly and safely. We provide expert safety and health consulting support for a variety of safety equipment and personal protective equipment (PPE). The primary means of laboratory safety include good laboratory practices and the use of containment equipment within the laboratory. Safety equipment includes biological safety cabinets (BSCs), chemical fume hoods (CFHs), PPE, and other controls designed to remove or mi… [learn more]
NIH ORS Division of Occupational Health and Safety (DOHS) - Laboratory-Related Services
Bethesda, MD
Trans NIH
In support of Intramural Research Program (IRP) scientists, DOHS provides training, consulting, and resources to ensure that workers' risk to hazards and stresses in the laboratory environment is minimized. Our services include one-on-one consultation with your IC Safety and Health Specialist, ergonomic assessments, pest management, risk assessments, and safety training. Our diverse services combined with our consulting capacity and innovative tools and approach give you the support to achieve a safe and healthful working environment. Services: Biological safety compliance includin… [learn more]
NIH ORS DRS Radioactive Materials Control and Analysis Branch
Bethesda, MD
Trans NIH
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Research Services (ORS) Division of Radiation Safety (DRS) Radioactive Materials Control and Analysis Branch supports radioactive materials packaging/shipping. Established Technologies: In accordance with Department of Transportation (DOT) requirements, all shipments of radioactive material including biological specimens must be packaged by an individual trained in DOT Hazmat requirements before they are offered for transport on public roads. DRS maintains a roster of DOT-trained individuals who can perform this packaging service and a… [learn more]