Core Resources


Clinical Pharmacology Program (CPP): Pharmacogenetics Section
Bethesda, MD


Services Offered

The Pharmacogenetics Core is responsible for correlating outcome observations (toxicity, efficacy, survival, PK/PD) with genetic variants (germline or somatic) to identify key genetic determinants and biomarkers that predict response to specific treatments. We also evaluate the impact of genetic variants on drug metabolism, transport, and molecular targets that influence drug resistance or contribute to inter-individual variation in therapeutic outcomes. [learn more]

Facility Head: Tristan Sissung
Phone: (240) 858-3209
Clinical Pharmacology Program (CPP): Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacometrics Section (PPS)
Bethesda, MD


Services Offered

The PPS encompasses all scientific analyses related to pharmacology, once the specimen has been collected and stored. There is a multi-step process to evaluate how the drug is being handled by the body after administration. The first step is to measure the drug concentrations longitudinally. This step is performed by the CPP’s Bioanalytical Unit: Bioanalytical Unit The Bioanalytical Section of the CPP is responsible for the measurement of drug concentrations in samples, either clinical or nonclinical. Our facility is staffed by a PhD Staff Scientist/Deputy Head of the CPP, a … [learn more]

Staff Scientist: Keith Schmidt
Phone: (240) 858-3208
NCI Clinical Pharmacology Program (CPP)
Bethesda, MD


Services Offered

The CPP is directly responsible for the pharmacokinetic (PK) analysis of numerous Phase I and II clinical trials conducted within the NCI. In addition, the CPP provides direct PK support for many studies performed elsewhere in the extramural community. The program provides bioanalytical support (LC-MS) and pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) modeling and simulation of investigational agents or combination therapies to predict exposure-response in future trials (Pharmacometrics Core). The CPP can also assist with determining protein binding, drug-drug interactions, concentration-effect anal… [learn more]

Acting Chief: William Douglas Figg, Sr.
Phone: (301) 402-3622