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Genetics and Genomics

CCR Genomics Core
Bethesda, MD


Services Offered
Training Opportunities

The CCR Genomics Core is located in Building 41 on the NIH Bethesda campus. The primary goal of the Core is to provide investigators from CCR/NCI and other NIH Institutes access to genomic technologies and Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) with rapid turnaround on smaller-scale projects or projects that are not ready for production. The Core is unique in granting user-accessible instrumentation. Additional resources include training, consultation services, bioinformatics support, and secure data delivery/management. We also provide DNA and RNA quality control (QC) services. The facility o… [learn more]

Facility Head: Liz Conner, Ph.D.
Phone: (240) 760-7373
CCR Genomics Technology Laboratory (GTL)
Frederick, MD


Services Offered

The Genomics Technology Laboratory is an integrated, high-throughput molecular biology laboratory focusing on the development of genetics and genomics technologies, data analysis, and information management tools, in support of CCR Investigators. The laboratory develops integrated strategies using multiple technology platforms that maximize the value of research or clinical samples and lead to the identification of pathways, genes, or gene products involved in the development of disease, as well as the assembly of genetic or expression profiles for the identification of prognostic and di… [learn more]

Director: Xiaolin Wu
Phone: (301) 846-7677
CCR Sequencing Facility
Frederick, MD


Services Offered

The introduction of DNA sequencing instruments capable of producing millions of DNA sequence reads in a single run has profoundly altered the landscape of genetics and cancer biology. Complex questions can now be answered at previously unthinkable speeds and a fraction of their former cost. At the Sequencing Facility, researchers are provided access to the latest technologies, with consultation and Q&A services available throughout the design and execution of sequencing projects. SF is a CCR-dedicated facility open to all CCR Investigators. Dedicated capacity has also been established for … [learn more]

Director: Bao Tran
Phone: (301) 360-3460
CCR Single Cell Analysis Facility (SCAF)
Bethesda, MD


Services Offered
Training Opportunities

The rapid advancement of single-cell technology has provided new powerful tools to answer many biological questions, such as identifying new or rare cell populations and characterizing the complexities of tumor heterogeneity.  Realizing the great potential of single-cell technology in cancer research, the CCR has established the Single Cell Analysis Facility (SCAF) located on the Bethesda main campus.The SCAF works closely with CCR Sequencing Facility to also extend support to CCR Investigators located in Frederick, and works with other associated support groups at CCR, including CCR Genomic… [learn more]

Facility Head: Michael Kelly
Phone: (240) 760-6301
Center for Inherited Disease Research (CIDR)
Bethesda, MD

Trans NIH

Services Offered

The Center for Inherited Disease Research (CIDR)'s  mission is to support the genetics community by providing high-quality, cutting-edge genomics services and technologies in order to expand our understanding of disease and catalyze discoveries that translate to patient care.  All NIH CIDR Program studies are supported by data sharing assistance. GWAS and sequencing studies are additionally provided both data cleaning services. GWAS studies include imputation services.Established TechnologiesSNP Genotyping, Using Illumina Infinium chemistries and Affymetrix Axiom chemistry, investigators hav… [learn more]

Director: Jon Garvey
Phone: (301) 402-5838
NCATS Functional Genomics Laboratory
Rockville, MD


Trans NIH

Services Offered
Training Opportunities

The Functional Genomics Laboratory (formerly, the RNAi Screening Facility) of the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) assist investigators with all stages of project planning and execution, beginning with assay development through genome-wide siRNA screens, informatics/pathway analysis and rigorous follow-up. Genome-wide siRNA screens for human and mice are available. Also routinely included in screens are miRNA mimic and inhibitor libraries. Resources: Screening Libraries Ambion Silencer Select Human Genome-Wide siRNA library targeting ~22,000 genes with th… [learn more]

Director: Ken Cheng
Phone: (301) 827-7153
NCI Genetics Branch: OMICS Technology Facility
Bethesda, MD


Services Offered

Our operational objectives are to provide state-of-the-art OMICS technologies in support of the Genetics Branch (GB) investigators and collaborators. Research Services: Wet Lab • Single cell isolation from fresh, frozen and FFPE tissue • DNA/RNA extractions from fresh, frozen, FFPE tissue, and tissues preserved by other methods • Cell free circulating DNA from plasma and serum • Quality assessment of nucleic acids by spectrophotometry, fluorometry, qPCR, capillary electrophoresis, digital droplet PCR • Next-generation sequencing (NGS) library preps • Sequencing (Whole … [learn more]

Head, Wet Lab: Kerstin Heselmeyer-Haddad
Phone: (240) 760-6371
NCI High-Throughput Imaging Facility (HiTIF)
Bethesda, MD


Services Offered
Training Opportunities

The NCI High-Throughput Imaging Facility (HiTIF) works in a collaborative fashion with NCI/NIH Investigators by providing them with the necessary expertise, instrumentation, and software to develop and execute advanced High-Throughput Imaging (HTI) assays. These can be paired to screen libraries of RNAi or CRISPR/Cas9 reagents to discover and characterize novel cellular pathways by functional genomics. In addition to functional genomics screens, HiTIF also develops HTI assays to extract and quantify single-cell information about the molecular mechanisms underlying rare or heterogeneous b… [learn more]

Facility Head: Gianluca Pegoraro
Phone: (240) 760-6696
NCI Lab of Integrative Cancer Immunology - Microbiome and Genetics Core
Bethesda, MD



Services Offered

CIP Microbiome and Genetics Core: The Cancer and Inflammation Program – Microbiome and Genetics Core (CIP-MGC) grew out of the former CIP Genetics Core to meet the increasing need for sequencing and analysis of commensal microbiota within CIP and NCI. The MGC team specializes in: - sample handling, purification and 16S sequencing - bioinformatic processing and computational analysis of sequenced reads - support in genetics and statistical epidemiology Established Technologies: We use the Eppendorf epmotion 5073 and 5075 robots for the normalization of sample concentrations and s… [learn more]

Colm O \'Huigin, Ph.D.:
Phone: (240) 760-7724
NCI LASP Genome Modification Core (GMC)
Frederick, MD



Services Offered

NCI LASP Genome Modification Core (GMC) is a CCR-dedicated facility that provides advice, training, and reagents to NCI scientists seeking to utilize CRISPR and other nucleases to generate genome modifications in primary cells, cell lines, and in animal models. Established Technologies : We are currently offering a variety of services to CCR investigators. Moreover, we also have accumulated many different flavors of genome editing reagents. Here is a brief summary of what we are currently offering: Consulting – if you are new to these areas of research and wish to find out more … [learn more]

Facility Head: Raj Chari
Phone: (301) 846-7199
NCI Molecular Cytogenetics Core Facility
Frederick, MD


Services Offered

Molecular Cytogenetics Core Facility facilitates the assessment of structural and numerical genomic changes in pre-cancer and cancer research models. This core provides comprehensive support for the cytogenetic analysis of cells from human and research animal sources. A wide range of chromosome analysis techniques are available; ranging from basic G-banded karyotyping, to 24-color Spectral Karyotyping (SKY), as well as Fluorescence in situ Hybridization (FISH) mapping of cloned DNAs. Services include:: Karyotype characterization of new cell lines; human, mouse, and rat, Confirmat… [learn more]

Manager: Sandra Burkett
Phone: (301) 846-1262
NIH Intramural Sequencing Center (NISC)
Rockville, MD

Trans NIH

Services Offered

NISC’s role within NHGRI, and more broadly across NIH, aims to advance genome sequencing and its many applications, with a goal not simply to produce sequence data, but to produce the infrastructure required to bring genomic sequence to biology and medicine. We accomplish this by meeting with each NIH investigator to discuss the details of their project to determine which method(s) would work best. The most common types of sequencing projects include whole exome sequencing, RNA sequencing, custom capture sequencing, CHiP-seq and whole genome sequencing. However, we are always interested in e… [learn more]

Group Director: Jim Thomas
Phone: (301) 443-8321
Pan-Microbial Serology Facility (PMSF)
Bethesda, MD


Services Offered

The Pan-Microbial Serology Facility (PMSF) is part of the Center for Cancer Research (CCR) at the National Cancer Institute (NCI). The PMSF focuses on determining individualized pan-microbial immune profiles associated with human diseases including immunological disorders such as cancer by providing a standardized intramural technological portal. Throughout our lives, we are exposed to various microbes including viruses, creating an individualized microbial landscape. Each microbe infection can leave unique immunological footprints, known as antigen-specific antibodies, which result in a pers… [learn more]

Facility Director: Xin Wei Wang, Ph.D.
Phone: (240) 760-6858