Bethesda, MD
Core Facility
The LCBG Microscopy Core offers imaging technologies and training. The Core has established instrumentation for for 2D and 3D imaging of both fixed and living specimens. Equipment include: Zeiss AxioObserver.Z1 epifluorescent microscope, Zeiss AxioScan. Read More...
Bethesda, MARYLAND
Core Facility
The CCR Microscopy Core provides NCI investigators access to state-of-the-art imaging tools and techniques, including light sheet fluorescence, high-resolution confocal, multi-photon, and super-resolution microscopy. The mission of the CCR Microscopy Core Facility is to support Read More...
Bethesda, MD
EIB Microscopy Facility has following instruments: 1) Abberior STEDYCON super-resolution (STED) microscope; 2) Zeiss LSM 880-NLO confocal / two-photon system; 3) Yokogawa CSU-W1 spinning disck confocal microscope and 4) Zeiss AxioObserver Z1 wide field microscope. As a multi-user facility, the Read More...
Bethesda, MD
Core Facility
The core provides access to several different state-of-the-art 3D microscopes as well as computers to visualize and process image data. The facility houses equipment for 2D or 3D imaging of fixed and living specimens. High Read More...
Bethesda, MD
Core Facility
LCMB Microscopy Core offers live cell imaging technologies as well as standard confocal systems for immunofluorescence. Our confocal instruments are a Leica SP8 LSCM and a spinning disk confocal microscope. A Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence ( Read More...
Frederick, MD
The Crystallization Facility provides an automated environment for setting up crystallization experiments in a high-throughput format, storing the resulting plates under controlled conditions, and monitoring the status of prepared droplets remotely. The Facility is in Read More...