Search Results for: Zeiss LSM780

Total Results Found: 6

Total Results Found: 6

The CCR Microscopy Core
Bethesda, MARYLAND

Core Facility


The CCR Microscopy Core provides NCI investigators access to state-of-the-art imaging tools and techniques, including light sheet fluorescence, high-resolution confocal, multi-photon, and super-resolution microscopy. The mission of the CCR Microscopy Core Facility is to support Read More...

EIB Confocal Microscopy Facility
Bethesda, MD


EIB Microscopy Facility has following instruments: 1) Abberior STEDYCON super-resolution (STED) microscope; 2) Zeiss LSM 880-NLO confocal / two-photon system; 3) Yokogawa CSU-W1 spinning disck confocal microscope and 4) Zeiss AxioObserver Z1 wide field microscope. As a multi-user facility, the Read More...

NCI Center for Structural Biology: Crystallization Facility
Frederick, MD


The Crystallization Facility provides an automated environment for setting up crystallization experiments in a high-throughput format, storing the resulting plates under controlled conditions, and monitoring the status of prepared droplets remotely. The Facility is in Read More...