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Cell Banking and Aliquoting
BRB Preclinical Biologics Repository
Frederick, MD
The BRB Preclinical Biologics Repository is a central repository that supplies reagents to the broad research community. This NCI-sponsored repository is managed by NCI's Biological Resources Branch (BRB) in the Development Therapeutics Program (DTP) of the Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD). The BRB Preclinical Biologics Repository stores cytokines, monoclonal antibodies, and other biologic reagents under carefully controlled conditions to ensure a uniform supply of high-quality reagents. These reagents many be used for non-clinical research by qualified investigators at pu… [learn more]
Central Repository
Frederick, MD
The Central Repository provides the research community at the NCI with various cryogenic services, including low-temperature storage from +4° C to -196° C, controlled-rate freezing, computerized inventory and distribution of samples. The Central Repository is operated by Leidos Biomedical Research Inc. on behalf of NCI as part of the Frederick National Laboratory. Services may be provided to other NIH Institutes for specific projects upon request. Contacting This Facility: To contact this facility, please refer to the contact details below. Please do not send your request via CREx.… [learn more]
CHTN Mid-Atlantic Division (University of Virginia)
Charlottesville, VA
Trans NIH
The Mid-Atlantic CHTN is one of six participating divisions of the Cooperative Human Tissue Network (CHTN) and is based in the Pathology Department at the University of Virginia. While primarily a resource for cancer researchers, samples provided by the CHTN support projects in many biomedical and basic science fields. In addition to tissue and biofluid specimens, the Mid-Atlantic Division specializes in construction and distribution of tissue microarrays (TMAs). TMAs allow immunohistochemical and colorimetric staining for biomarkers on many samples in parallel. Researchers may quickly obtain … [learn more]
Phone: (434) 924-9879
DCTD Tumor Repository
Frederick, MD
The Developmental Therapeutics Program (DTP) within NCI's Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnostics (DCTD), has maintained a low temperature repository of transplantable in vivo-derived tumors and in vitro-established tumor cell lines from various species. This Tumor Repository, located at the National Cancer Institute in Frederick serves as a resource for viable, pathogen-screened experimental tumor lines, many of which are not available elsewhere. The Repository makes these materials available to qualified investigators as a service to the cancer research community. Please find the ma… [learn more]
DTP Natural Products Repository
Frederick, MD
Trans NIH
DTP’s Natural Products Repository is the world’s largest storehouse of natural products. It houses close to >200,000 extracts from samples of more than 70,000 plants and >20,000 marine organisms collected from more than 29 countries, plus extracts of diverse bacteria and fungi. In addition, the NCI Natural Products Repository also includes pre-fractionated natural products extracts created through the NCI Program for Natural Products Discovery. The pre-fractionated extract library has 500,000 partially-purified plated fractions, created from NPB crude extracts, available for screening. The… [learn more]
DTP Repository of Chemical Agents
Rockville, MD
DTP maintains a repository of synthetic compounds and pure natural products that are available to investigators for non-clinical research purposes. The Repository collection is a uniquely diverse set of more than 200,000 compounds that have been either submitted to DTP for biological evaluation or, in some cases, synthesized under DTP auspices. Samples obtained from the NCI/DTP Open Chemicals Repository are available at no cost except for shipping charges. Importantly, investigators should note that chemical structures of these substances are those assigned by the originator of the material an… [learn more]
NCI National Clinical Trials Network (NCTN) Biospecimen Banks (NCTN Biobanks)
Bethesda, MD
The National Clinical Trials Network Biospecimen Banks (NCTN) receive, store, and distribute human cancer biospecimens collected on NCTN clinical trials. NCTN Biobanks provide cancer researchers with quality, well-annotated biospecimens and associated clinical information. The NCTN Biobanks house solid tumor biospecimens from all organ sites, as well as hematological malignancy specimens. Available Biospecimens: Biospecimen types available include, but are not limited to:Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue, Fresh frozen tissue, Whole blood, serum, plasma, white blood cells, bon… [learn more]
NCI Patient-Derived Models Repository (PDMR)
Bethesda, MD
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is developing a national repository of Patient-Derived Models (PDMs) comprised of patient-derived xenografts (PDXs), patient-derived organoids (PDOrg) and in vitro patient-derived tumor cell cultures (PDCs) and cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs). These models serve as a resource for public-private partnerships and for academic drug discovery efforts. These PDMs are clinically-annotated with molecular information available in an easily accessible database available to the extramural community. List of Services: Distribute clinically annotat… [learn more]
NCI Specimen Resource Locator (SRL)
Trans NIH
The Specimen Resource Locator (SRL) is a biospecimen resource database designed to help researchers locate resources that may have the samples needed for their investigational use. This publicly searchable database includes information about biospecimen banks and sample procurement services. The specimens and samples come from non-commercial, either NCI or non-NCI-funded resources. Investigators can search the database and gain access to thousands of specimens of various tumor, organ, and preservation methods. Please submit all SRL inquiries using the “Contact the Expediter” button on t… [learn more]