Search Results for: Spatial Transcriptomics

Total Results Found: 20

CCR Spatial Imaging Technology Resource (SpITR)
Bethesda, MD

Core Facility


The Spatial Imaging Technology Resource (formerly the Nanoscale Protein Analysis Section of the Collaborative Protein Technology Resource or CPTR) provides expertise and service in state-of-the-art protein analysis technologies to advance CCR research in basic discovery Read More...

CCR Genomics Core
Bethesda, MD

Core Facility

The CCR Genomics Core is located in Building 41 on the NIH Bethesda campus. The primary goal of the Core is to provide investigators from CCR/NCI and other NIH Institutes access to genomic technologies and Read More...

CCR Single Cell Analysis Facility (SCAF)
Bethesda, MD

Core Facility

The rapid advancement of single-cell technology has provided new powerful tools to answer many biological questions, such as identifying new or rare cell populations and characterizing the complexities of tumor heterogeneity.  Realizing the great potential Read More...

NCI Genetics Branch: OMICS Technology Facility
Bethesda, MD


Our operational objectives are to provide state-of-the-art OMICS technologies in support of the Genetics Branch (GB) investigators and collaborators. Research Services: Wet Lab • Single cell isolation from fresh, frozen and FFPE tissue • DNA/RNA extractions Read More...

CCR Collaborative Bioinformatics Resource (CCBR)
Bethesda, MD

Core Facility


The CCR Collaborative Bioinformatics Resource (CCBR) is a centrally-funded resource group which provides a mechanism for CCR researchers to obtain many different types of bioinformatics assistance to further their research goals. The group has expertise Read More...

July 2021

Web Page

CREx News & Updates July 2021   Learn about the NIH Collaborative Research Exchange (CREx), Core Facilities, Webinars, & More NIH Collaborative Research Exchange (CREx) News Site Spotlight FACILITY HIGHLIGHTS Learn more about services from the NHLBI Read More...

August 2021

Web Page

CREx News & Updates August 2021 Learn about the NIH Collaborative Research Exchange (CREx), Core Facilities, Webinars, & More NIH Collaborative Research Exchange (CREx) News Site Spotlight FACILITY HIGHLIGHTS Learn more about services from the NHLBI Read More...

Spatial Biology

Web Page

Employing spatial biology techniques enables acquisition of transcript and protein data from intact tissue sections, and in turn, spatial distribution information and cellular interaction patterns are revealed.

NanoString GeoMX Digital Spatial Profiler

Web Page

Biomarker Discovery with Morphological Context:  Changing how tissue specimens are analyzed < What is Digital Spatial Profiling? GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiler is a novel platform developed by NanoString. Digital Spatial Read More...

CCR Sequencing Facility
Frederick, MD

Core Facility

The introduction of DNA sequencing instruments capable of producing millions of DNA sequence reads in a single run has profoundly altered the landscape of genetics and cancer biology. Complex questions can now be answered at Read More...

NCI Artificial Intelligence Resource (AIR)
Bethesda, MD


The goal of Artificial Intelligence Resource (AIR) is to make AI tools available to Clinical Cancer Research (CCR) investigators. The strength of AI is that algorithms can be trained to seek specific information that may Read More...

Emerging Technologies

Web Page

Many established and emerging technologies are available to CCR scientists.  This technology-rich environment makes the CCR a unique place to conduct scientific research.  Through the OSTR, the CCR continues to find Read More...

Sequencing Facility

Web Page

[tabby title="Overview"] CCR Sequencing Facility Mission: The mission of the Center for Cancer Research Sequencing Facility (CCR-SF) is to utilize high-throughput sequencing technologies to enrich cancer research and ensure that the NCI community can Read More...

Artificial Intelligence Resource (AIR)

Web Page

[tabby title="Home"] About AIR A CCR Initiative for Researchers Artificial Intelligence Resource (AIR) is a collaborative research group focusing on developing translational computer vision-based AI models for cancer research in the CCR. Mission: The Read More...

Technology Video Library

Web Page

The OSTR offers cutting-edge technology platforms to the CCR scientific community through centralized facilities. The videos accessed through this page are designed to introduce the various scientific methodologies OSTR makes available through the cores on Read More...

January 2023 Newsletter

Web Page

CREx Monthly Newsletter Learn about the NIH Collaborative Research Exchange (CREx), Core Facilities, Webinars, & More New Resources on CREx NIH NeuroBioBank (NBB) The NBB provides researchers with access to human post-mortem brain tissue Read More...

April 2023 Newsletter

Web Page

CREx Monthly Newsletter Learn about the NIH Collaborative Research Exchange (CREx), Core Facilities, Webinars, & More New Resources on CREx Interested in imaging large scale biological samples?  Volume electron microscopy allows for Read More...

Center for Advanced Tissue Imaging (CAT-I)

Web Page

The Center for Advanced Tissue Imaging (CAT-I) is an NIAID and NCI supported effort involving collaborative studies between experts in the Laboratory of Immune System Biology, DIR, NIAID and investigators in the DIR, NIAID and Read More...