Trans NIH Facility
The Specimen Resource Locator (SRL) is a biospecimen resource database designed to help researchers locate resources that may have the samples needed for their investigational use. This publicly searchable database includes information about biospecimen banks Read More...
Bethesda, MD
The National Clinical Trials Network Biospecimen Banks (NCTN) receive, store, and distribute human cancer biospecimens collected on NCTN clinical trials. NCTN Biobanks provide cancer researchers with quality, well-annotated biospecimens and associated clinical information. The NCTN Read More...
Frederick, Maryland
Core Facility
Mutation Detection:: For PCR and Sanger sequencing both testing and bioinformatics interpretation are conducted. This method is currently being used in patients with chronic granulomatous disease (CGD), WHIM syndrome, and other autoimmune disorders. Because Sanger Read More...
Web Page
Employing spatial biology techniques enables acquisition of transcript and protein data from intact tissue sections, and in turn, spatial distribution information and cellular interaction patterns are revealed.
Frederick, MD
Core Facility
The FNLCR Molecular Histopathology Laboratory (MHL) provides comprehensive veterinary pathology support for animal health monitoring, biomarker discovery and validation, drug development, genomics, and proteomics on a cost recovered basis. The MHL is organized into multiple Read More...
Bethesda, MD
Core Facility
The CCR Genomics Core is located in Building 41 on the NIH Bethesda campus. The primary goal of the Core is to provide investigators from CCR/NCI and other NIH Institutes access to genomic technologies and Read More...
Frederick, MD
Core Facility
The Genomics Technology Laboratory is an integrated, high-throughput molecular biology laboratory focusing on the development of genetics and genomics technologies, data analysis, and information management tools, in support of CCR Investigators. The laboratory develops integrated Read More...
Bethesda, MD
Core Facility
The LCBG Microscopy Core offers imaging technologies and training. The Core has established instrumentation for for 2D and 3D imaging of both fixed and living specimens. Equipment include: Zeiss AxioObserver.Z1 epifluorescent microscope, Zeiss AxioScan. Read More...
Bethesda, MD
Core Facility
The Spatial Imaging Technology Resource (formerly the Nanoscale Protein Analysis Section of the Collaborative Protein Technology Resource or CPTR) provides expertise and service in state-of-the-art protein analysis technologies to advance CCR research in basic discovery Read More...
Bethesda, MD
Our operational objectives are to provide state-of-the-art OMICS technologies in support of the Genetics Branch (GB) investigators and collaborators. Research Services: Wet Lab • Single cell isolation from fresh, frozen and FFPE tissue • DNA/RNA extractions Read More...
Web Page
The CLIA Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory (CMDL) provides an array of services for groups at the NIH Clinical Center, Fort Detrick, and Hood College, among others. They support cancer- and disease-related research by making Read More...
Web Page
Biomarker Discovery with Morphological Context: Changing how tissue specimens are analyzed < What is Digital Spatial Profiling? GeoMx Digital Spatial Profiler is a novel platform developed by NanoString. Digital Spatial Read More...
Web Page
Employing spatial biology techniques enables acquisition of transcript and protein data from intact tissue sections, and in turn, spatial distribution information and cellular interaction patterns are revealed.
Web Page
Employing spatial biology techniques enables acquisition of transcript and protein data from intact tissue sections, and in turn, spatial distribution information and cellular interaction patterns are revealed.