Search Results for: negative staining

Total Results Found: 12

Total Results Found: 12

NIH Intramural CryoEM Consortium (NICE)
Bethesda, MD

Trans NIH Facility

NIH Intramural CryoEM Consortium (NICE) serves intramural investigators in all NIH IC’s. NICE provides access to state-of-the-art Titan Krios cryo-electron microscopes for atomic-resolution structure determination of protein, macromolecular complexes, membrane receptors, cellular organelles, and Read More...

NICE-NIH Intramural CryoEM Consortium

Web Page

[tabby title="Home"] About NICE-NIH Intramural CryoEM Consortium  NICE is a resource available to intramural investigators in NCI, NIAID, NIEHS, NICHD, NIDCR, NEI, and NIA.  Our facility provides access to a state-of-the-art Titan Krios cryo Read More...

Clinical Support Laboratory
Frederick, MD

Core Facility

The Clinical Support Laboratory offers processing, tracking, and testing of a broad range of clinical samples. Support can begin at the early stages of clinical trial development to aid in developing a comprehensive strategy for Read More...

CHTN Mid-Atlantic Division (University of Virginia)
Charlottesville, VA

Trans NIH Facility

The Mid-Atlantic CHTN is one of six participating divisions of the Cooperative Human Tissue Network (CHTN) and is based in the Pathology Department at the University of Virginia. While primarily a resource for cancer researchers, Read More...

NCI Molecular Cytogenetics Core Facility
Frederick, MD

Core Facility

Molecular Cytogenetics Core Facility facilitates the assessment of structural and numerical genomic changes in pre-cancer and cancer research models. This core provides comprehensive support for the cytogenetic analysis of cells from human and research animal Read More...

NCI Clinical Support Laboratory: Flow Cytometry Section
Frederick, MD

Core Facility

Clinical Support Laboratory – Flow Cytometry Section is a laboratory specializing in providing immunophenotyping support of NCI intramural clinical trials, though assessments may also be performed using cells from Non-human primates and other species. The CSL Read More...

NICHD Zebrafish Core
Bethesda, MD

Trans NIH Facility

The core's goal is to help researchers of any expertise perform zebrafish experiments aimed at illuminating basic biology and human disease mechanisms, thereby advancing the NIH and NICHD 's research missions.  A typical research question Read More...

CCR Protein Characterization Laboratory (PCL)
Frederick, MD

Core Facility

Protein Characterization Laboratory (PCL) offers various technologies to CCR investigators to characterize proteins and metabolites. The laboratory develops and applies state-of-the-art analytical technologies, primarily mass spectrometry, liquid chromatography, and Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR), to advance Read More...

CCR Spatial Imaging Technology Resource (SpITR)
Bethesda, MD

Core Facility


The Spatial Imaging Technology Resource (formerly the Nanoscale Protein Analysis Section of the Collaborative Protein Technology Resource or CPTR) provides expertise and service in state-of-the-art protein analysis technologies to advance CCR research in basic discovery Read More...

Electron Microscopy

Web Page

Electron Microscopy Laboratory (EML) The EML offers investigators access to unique expertise and EM technologies that allow our partners to explore new avenues of research to enhance the knowledge of biological systems. To assist our Read More...

CLIA Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory (CMDL)

Web Page

The CLIA Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory (CMDL) provides an array of services for groups at the NIH Clinical Center, Fort Detrick, and Hood College, among others. They support cancer- and disease-related research by making Read More...

Protein Characterization Laboratory

Web Page

Protein Characterization Laboratory (PCL) offers various technologies to CCR investigators to characterize proteins and metabolites. The laboratory develops and applies state-of-the-art analytical technologies, primarily mass spectrometry, liquid chromatography, and Surface Plasmon Resonance (SPR), to advance Read More...