Bethesda, MD
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is developing a national repository of Patient-Derived Models (PDMs) comprised of patient-derived xenografts (PDXs), patient-derived organoids (PDOrg) and in vitro patient-derived tumor cell cultures (PDCs) and cancer associated fibroblasts (CAFs). Read More...
Bethesda, MD
Core Facility
Established Technologies: The Miner Suite of Bioinformatic Applications, These applications are freely available for public use. Our characterization and analysis of the NCI-60 cancer cell lines, the DNA, RNA, protein, epigenetic and pharmacological levels is Read More...
Frederick, MD
Core Facility
NCI LASP Animal Research Technology Support (ARTS) provides customized technical support for basic and translational animal-based research to the scientific community. We offer a wide array of services ranging from expert colony management to the Read More...
Frederick, MD
The Center for Advanced Preclinical Research (CAPR) specializes in evaluating the efficacy of preclinical compounds, existing drugs, or biologics (therapeutics) in genetically engineered mouse (GEM) models, GEM-derived allograft (GDA) models, or patient-derived mouse xenografts (PDX). Read More...
Frederick, MD
The Developmental Therapeutics Program (DTP) within NCI's Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnostics (DCTD), has maintained a low temperature repository of transplantable in vivo-derived tumors and in vitro-established tumor cell lines from various species. This Read More...
Bethesda, MD
Trans NIH Facility
The Division of Veterinary Resources Animal Surgery has supported large animal research and clinical care for more than 40 years. DVR surgeons provide outstanding and highly specialized large animal (rabbits, ungulates, etc.) research support in a Read More...
Bethesda, MD
Trans NIH Facility
The Department of Laboratory Medicine provides state-of-the-art laboratory testing in support of Clinical Center patient care and will serve as a center of excellence in research and training in laboratory medicine, particularly in areas which Read More...
Bethesda, MD
Trans NIH Facility
The NIH Clinical Center Pharmacy Department provides pharmaceutical care to inpatients and outpatients on NIH intramural research protocols at the NIH Clinical Center. The Clinical Center facility encompasses 200 inpatient beds, 93 day-hospital stations, and 15 clinics. Clinical Read More...
Frederick, MD
The Biopharmaceutical Development Program (BDP) provides resources for the development of investigational biological agents. The BDP supports feasibility through development and Phase I/II cGMP manufacturing plus regulatory documentation. BDP is a DCTD-dedicated facility, but Read More...
Bethesda, MD
Trans NIH Facility
The Clinical Image Processing Service (CIPS) offers timely and accurate advanced image processing of diagnostic radiology images for clinical care, research, and training. CIPS’ functions include clinical services and scientific researches. Established Technologies: CIPS can Read More...
Bethesda, MD
The Behavioral Health Core provides specialized research support to NCI clinical trials using neuropsychological and patient-reported outcome measures and develops protocols to investigate specific neurobehavioral and psychosocial effects of chronic illness.The Behavioral Health Core Read More...
Bethesda, MD
Core Facility
Flow Cytometry Core (LGI) offers established technologies to support studies using flow cytometry and cell sorting. Instrumentation: 2 FACSCaliburs – 2 lasers (488, 635), LSRII – 5 lasers (355, 405, 488, 561, 635), LSR Fortessa – 4 lasers (355, 405, 488, 639), FACS Aria (standard) – 3 lasers (405, 488, 639), FACS Aria (SORP) – 3 lasers (355, 488, 639), MoFlo Astrios – 5 lasers (355, 405, 488, 561, 640), Read More...
Bethesda, MD
Trans NIH Facility
MAB provides visual communication solutions across all media to the entire NIH community. Our Medical Illustration section provides a complete range of biomedical visualization services including Manuscript/textbook figures, Infographics, 3D modeling, Animation, Technical diagrams, Read More...
Bethesda, MD
Core Facility
The Spatial Imaging Technology Resource (formerly the Nanoscale Protein Analysis Section of the Collaborative Protein Technology Resource or CPTR) provides expertise and service in state-of-the-art protein analysis technologies to advance CCR research in basic discovery Read More...
Bethesda, MD
The Clinical Flow Cytometry Laboratory provides extensive support for NCI clinical protocols by providing diagnostic testing for leukemia and lymphoma in patients either on NCI clinical protocols or undergoing testing to determine eligibility for NCI Read More...
Rockville, MD
Proteomic Data Common (PDC) represents the NCI’s largest public repository of proteogenomic comprehensive tumor datasets, essentially a Proteogenomic Cancer Atlas. It was developed to advance our understanding of how proteins help shape the risk, Read More...
Web Page
CREx News & Updates March 2022 Learn about the NIH Collaborative Research Exchange (CREx), Core Facilities, Webinars, & More Site Spotlight NIA Nonhuman Primate Core The NIA Nonhuman Primate Core supports multi-disciplinary translational aging projects for Read More...