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Flow Cytometry

CCR Building 41 Flow Cytometry Core
Bethesda, MD


Services Offered
Training Opportunities

The CCR Building 41 Flow Cytometry Core is a full-service facility within the Center for Cancer Research that supports over 150 users representing 26 laboratories. The Core Facility provides instrument and software training, technical expertise, assay development, and experimental design for all users. The Core also offers sample preparation protocols and reagent recommendations, including fluorochrome panel setups for each flow cytometer and reagent cross-reactivity among species. The Core Manager provides assistance with data analysis and figure preparation for flow cytometry data presentati… [learn more]

Senior Associate Scientist: Kathy McKinnon
Phone: (240) 760-6659
Laboratory of Genome Integrity (LGI): Flow Cytometry Core
Bethesda, MD


Services Offered
Training Opportunities

Flow Cytometry Core (LGI) offers established technologies to support studies using flow cytometry and cell sorting. Instrumentation: 2 FACSCaliburs – 2 lasers (488, 635), LSRII – 5 lasers (355, 405, 488, 561, 635), LSR Fortessa – 4 lasers (355, 405, 488, 639), FACS Aria (standard) – 3 lasers (405, 488, 639), FACS Aria (SORP) – 3 lasers (355, 488, 639), MoFlo Astrios – 5 lasers (355, 405, 488, 561, 640), Established Technologies: Applications that run on FACS Caliburs include: Immunophenotyping (up to 4-color), … [learn more]

Facility Manager: Ferenc Livak, Ph.D.
Phone: (240) 760-7605
Laboratory of Pathology: Clinical Flow Cytometry Laboratory
Bethesda, MD


Services Offered
Training Opportunities

The Clinical Flow Cytometry Laboratory provides extensive support for NCI clinical protocols by providing diagnostic testing for leukemia and lymphoma in patients either on NCI clinical protocols or undergoing testing to determine eligibility for NCI protocols. The Unit provides clinical flow cytometric evaluation of blood, bone marrow, fine needle aspirates, tissue biopsies and body fluids for hematolymphoid neoplasia in NCI and NIH patients. The majority of flow cytometric testing performed by the Unit involves detection of minimal residual disease (patients are status post-therapy at ou… [learn more]

Director: Hao-Wei Wang, MD, PhD
Phone: (301) 480-8043
NCI CCR Clinical Research Correlatives Core
Bethesda, MD


Services Offered

The NCI Clinical Research Correlatives Core provides non-CLIA-certified spectral flow cytometric assays to support clinical trials conducted in the CCR. The core specializes in immunophenotyping and immune monitoring assays. Established Technologies: Spectral flow cytometry (Cytek), Services offered include:assistance with the experimental design, assay development/panel optimization, sample processing and preparation, sample acquisition, data analysis, Immunoprofiling assays offered include:“a la carte” CYTEK expandable antibody panels:25 color immunoprofiling panel, 20 color AML Panel, 1… [learn more]

Facility Head: Kaska Wloka, Ph.D.
Phone: (240) 858-7274
NCI CCR-Frederick Flow Cytometry Core Facility
Frederick, MD


Services Offered
Training Opportunities

The CCR-Frederick Flow Cytometry Core Facility provides research support to the Frederick-CCR community, including cytometry analysis and sorting services, instrument maintenance, new user training, and technical consultation. Typical Assays Performed by Core Instruments Immunophenotyping of mouse and human cells, Apoptosis assays, including Annexin V, TUNEL, caspase activation, or mitochondrial membrane potential, Cell cycle (DNA content) analysis, Cell health and proliferation monitoring, Sterile Cell sorting (physical separation) for bulk collection or deposition in … [learn more]

Manager, CCR Frederick Flow Core: Jeff Carrell
Phone: (301) 846-5811
NCI Clinical Support Laboratory: Flow Cytometry Section
Frederick, MD


Services Offered

Clinical Support Laboratory – Flow Cytometry Section is a laboratory specializing in providing immunophenotyping support of NCI intramural clinical trials, though assessments may also be performed using cells from Non-human primates and other species. The CSL Flow cytometry core is operated by Leidos Biomedical Research Inc. on behalf of NCI as part of the Frederick National Laboratory. Established Technologies: Immunophenotyping (up to 15-color), Specialized immunophenotyping for clinical trial research – ICS and tetramer staining also available.  Frequently customized pan… [learn more]

Lab Head: Jon Inglefield
Phone: (301) 846-6865
NCI Research Flow Facility
NCI-Bethesda, MD


Services Offered
Training Opportunities

The NCI Research Flow Facility provides cell sorting and benchtop flow cytometry services to NCI investigators. Services are program-specific and are not available to all NCI or NIH investigators. Please inquire as to availability. Established Technologies: Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS), Benchtop polychromatic flow cytometry, Laser scanning cytometry, Full-spectrum cytometry, Developing Technologies: Stem cell analysis, Apoptosis detection, Integration of new laser technology into existing instrumentation, including solid-state diode and diode-pumpe… [learn more]

Senior Associate Scientist: William Telford
Phone: (240) 585-3686