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Animal Resources

Animal Resource Program (ARP)
Bethesda, MD


Services Offered

The CCR Animal Resource Program (ARP) plans, develops, and coordinates laboratory animal resources for CCR’s research programs. We also provide training, imaging, and technology development in support of moving basic discoveries to the clinic. Coordinates the use of animal holding spaces within the NCI animal facilities, NIH central animal facilities, and shared animal facilities., Oversees the use of all centrally funded animal resources., Assists with cost-effective options for animal technical support, off-site animal contracts., Coordinates/negotiates animal-related interagency ag… [learn more]

Associate Director: Mary Custer
Phone: (240) 760-7747
Bethesda, MD


Services Offered

Closed [learn more]

Director: Ben Feldman
Phone: (301) 443-5556
Comparative Oncology Program (COP)
Bethesda, MD


Services Offered

The COP evaluates novel therapies in pet dogs with cancer to improve outcomes for human patients and established the Comparative Oncology Trial Consortium (COTC), a collaborative effort of NCI and extramural comparative oncology centers at 19 veterinary schools across the United States and Canada, with the goal to integrate naturally occurring cancer models into the development path of new cancer drugs for humans. The COP complements translational research efforts through the characterization and use of relevant and naturally occurring cancer models that develop in pet animals. … [learn more]

Program Manager: Christina Mazcko
Phone: (301) 402-8634
Molecular Pathology Unit
Bethesda, Maryland


Trans NIH

Services Offered
Training Opportunities

The Molecular Pathology Unit is intended to spearhead opportunities for bridging basic and clinical research efforts by more precisely optimizing the development, characterization and utilization of models of human disease. The initiative approach includes both applied research and collaborations aimed at developing new reagents, methods, and technologies in preclinical diagnostic medicine; thus enhancing capabilities to integrate molecular and systemic aspects of disease mechanisms. Designing and employing state of the art medical and pathology investigative tools to the study of animal model… [learn more]

Program Director: R. Mark Simpson
Phone: (240) 760-6961
NCI Center for Advanced Preclinical Research (CAPR)
Frederick, MD


Services Offered

The Center for Advanced Preclinical Research (CAPR) specializes in evaluating the efficacy of preclinical compounds, existing drugs, or biologics (therapeutics) in genetically engineered mouse (GEM) models, GEM-derived allograft (GDA) models, or patient-derived mouse xenografts (PDX). We partner primarily with Center for Cancer Research (CCR) investigators and clinicians using an RFA mechanism described below. Projects outside of CCR may be considered on a case-by-case basis. List of Services: One of the key features that distinguishes preclinical studies performed at CAPR is the u… [learn more]

Scientific Director: Shyam Sharan
Phone: (301) 846-5140
NCI LASP Animal Diagnostic Lab (ADL)
Frederick, MD


Services Offered

The Animal Diagnostic Laboratory (ADL) provides a full range of diagnostic capabilities, including microbiological cultures on various culture medium, microscopic screening for parasites such as mites and pinworms, molecular detection of pathogens, serological evaluation of antibodies, and necropsy. The High-Throughput Animal Genotyping Lab (HTAGL) within ADL utilizes robotic liquid handling systems to assist in the genotyping of mice using quantitative PCR or end-point PCR analysis. Technologies: Molecular Testing of Biological Materials (MTBM), Molecular diagnostic for murine pat… [learn more]

Principal Scientist: Wang-Ting Hsieh, PhD
Phone: (301) 846-7132
NCI LASP Animal Research Technology Support (ARTS)
Frederick, MD


Services Offered

NCI LASP Animal Research Technology Support (ARTS) provides customized technical support for basic and translational animal-based research to the scientific community. We offer a wide array of services ranging from expert colony management to the performance and development of technical procedures aimed at the disease induction, characterization, and treatment of animal models. Technologies: Development and implementation of specialized technical procedures for induction and characterization of tumorigenesis in preclinical animal models, Assessment of PK/PD and efficacy of investig… [learn more]

Manager/Principal Scientist: Simone Difilippantonio, PhD
Phone: (301) 228-4465
NCI LASP Gnotobiotics Facility (GF)
Frederick, MD


Services Offered

The Laboratory Animal Sciences Program (LASP) of the Frederick National Laboratory operates a Gnotobiotics Facility (GF) to support research focused on the role of microbiota in cancer inflammation, pathogenesis, and treatment response. The GF can rederive mice into germ-free status, expand colonies of axenic and gnotobiotic mice, and maintain microbiome-defined lines of animals. The team also has extensive experience working with animal models in basic and translational research, particularly in the fields of immunology and cancer. The GF works closely with Investigators throughout all sta… [learn more]

Principal Scientist: Simone Difilippantonio, Ph.D.
Phone: (301) 228-4465
NCI LASP Mouse Modeling & Cryopreservation (MMC)
Frederick, MD


Services Offered

The Mouse Modeling Core assists NIH investigators by generating and preserving genetically-engineered mouse strains. Services include scientific consultation, gene-targeting in mouse embryonic stem cells, micro-injection of nucleic acids, proteins, or ES cells into mouse embryos, in vitro fertilization, cryopreservation of germplasm, and regeneration of mice from frozen stocks. The MMC also interfaces with the Genome Modification Core to generate genetically or epigenetically-altered lines of mice using CRISPR and other nuclease-based methods (TALENS, Zn Fingers). The NCI Mouse Repo… [learn more]

Director: Parirokh “Roackie” Awasthi
Phone: (301) 846-1864
NCI LASP Small Animal Imaging Program (SAIP)
Frederick, MD


Services Offered
Training Opportunities

The function of the SAIP is to collaborate with NCI investigators in the development of mouse models, new molecular imaging probes for early detection and therapy, monitor tumors in vivo, and perform drug efficacy studies utilizing in vivo imaging techniques. In addition, the SAIP collaborates with the NCI Division of Cancer Treatment and Diagnosis (DCTD) Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory (NCL) to analyze nanoplatforms as part of the cascade assay and assist DCTD initiatives in developing standards in small animal imaging, integrate imaging into drug development, and develop par… [learn more]

Director: Joseph Kalen
Phone: (301) 846-5283
NHLBI Murine Phenotyping Core
Bethesda, MD


Services Offered
Training Opportunities

The NHLBI Murine Phenotyping Core carries out physiologic and behavioral testing in a diversity of mouse models for NHLBI and other NIH institutes. Established Technologies: Cardiovascular Phenotyping, Metabolic Phenotyping, Pulmonary Phenotyping, Behavioral Phenotyping, Exercise Physiology, Echocardiography, In vivo functional vascular phenotyping, Advanced Imaging Modalities (whole body high frequency ultrasound imaging, vascular imaging), [learn more]

Facility Director: Danielle Springer
Phone: (301) 594-6171
NIA Nonhuman Primate Core
Poolesville, MD

Trans NIH

Services Offered

The NIA Nonhuman Primate (NHP) Core Facility maintains a colony of rhesus macaques at the National Institutes of Health Animal Center. Established in 2012, the Core's mission is to offer research services supporting multi-disciplinary translational aging projects.  Working with investigators, we develop experimental protocols to evaluate various aspects of NHP aging.  We provide all supportive care for the research animals, complete all regulatory requirements,  conduct in vivo experiments, and collect and organize study data.  The NIA IRP's 30 years of NHP research experience has made us… [learn more]

Facility Head: Julie Mattison
Phone: (301) 435-7637
NIH ORS Division of Veterinary Resources (DVR)
Bethesda, MD

Trans NIH

Services Offered

The Division of Veterinary Resources’ (DVR) mission is to contribute to the advancement of NIH biomedical research programs by providing excellence in animal care, customer service, and specialized research services to support intramural research efforts. DVR’s diverse and dedicated staff emphasizes accountability to the NIH researcher’s needs in areas including humane animal and veterinary care, animal behavior and enrichment, diagnostics and health surveillance, surgery, pharmacy, procurement, nutrition, and animal transportation. Established Technologies: DVR professional st… [learn more]

Director: Jill Ascher
Phone: (301) 451-8334
NIH ORS Division of Veterinary Resources (DVR) - Animal Surgery
Bethesda, MD

Trans NIH

Services Offered

The Division of Veterinary Resources Animal Surgery has supported large animal research and clinical care for more than 40 years. DVR surgeons provide outstanding and highly specialized large animal (rabbits, ungulates, etc.) research support in a state-of-the-art surgical suite. Specialty support includes surgical expertise, surgical and technical support, animal model development, and investigator training. We seek to support the unique needs and requirements of each investigator using animals in either basic or translational research. Established Technologies: Facilities and E… [learn more]

Veterinary Surgeon: Tom (Marvin) Thomas
Phone: (301) 496-5993
NIH ORS Division of Veterinary Resources (DVR) - Pathology Service
Bethesda, MD

Trans NIH

Services Offered

The Pathology Service, Division of Veterinary Resources (DVR), Office of Research Services (ORS), provides diagnostic gross and histopathologic evaluation of any species of laboratory animals used in the NIH Intramural Research Program due to morbidity, mortality or unexpected findings. In addition, mouse phenotyping and transmission electron microscopy services are available. Established Technologies: The Pathology Service offers a Mouse Phenotyping Service with comprehensive pathologic analysis for genetically engineered mice. The Service provides standardized gross and histopatholog… [learn more]

Chief, Diagnostic and Research Services Branch: Michael Eckhaus
Phone: (301) 496-4465
The Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research (FNLCR) Molecular Histopathology Laboratory (MHL)
Frederick, MD


Services Offered

The FNLCR Molecular Histopathology Laboratory (MHL) provides comprehensive veterinary pathology support for animal health monitoring, biomarker discovery and validation, drug development, genomics, and proteomics on a cost recovered basis. The MHL is organized into multiple process groups with cross-trained experts in animal study design, phenotyping of genetically engineered mice (GEM), immunopathology, anatomic pathology, toxicological pathology, and specimen classification/selection for tissue microarray (TMA) construction or laser capture microdissection (LCM). Established… [learn more]

Lab Director: Baktiar Karim, DVM, PhD
Phone: (301) 846-5292