Search Results for: medical arts branch

Total Results Found: 39

Total Results Found: 39

NIH ORS Medical Arts Branch (MAB)
Bethesda, MD

Trans NIH Facility

MAB provides visual communication solutions across all media to the entire NIH community. Our Medical Illustration section provides a complete range of biomedical visualization services including Manuscript/textbook figures, Infographics, 3D modeling, Animation, Technical diagrams, Read More...

Pediatric Oncology Branch: Behavioral Health Core
Bethesda, MD


The Behavioral Health Core provides specialized research support to NCI clinical trials using neuropsychological and patient-reported outcome measures and develops protocols to investigate specific neurobehavioral and psychosocial effects of chronic illness.The Behavioral Health Core Read More...

NCI Cloud Resources
Rockville, MD


The NCI Cloud Resources are components of the NCI Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC) that bring data and computational power together to enable cancer research and discovery. These cloud-based platforms eliminate the need for researchers Read More...

Artificial Intelligence Resource (AIR)

Web Page

[tabby title="Home"] About AIR A CCR Initiative for Researchers Artificial Intelligence Resource (AIR) is a collaborative research group focusing on developing translational computer vision-based AI models for cancer research in the CCR. Mission: The Read More...

NCI LASP Animal Research Technology Support (ARTS)
Frederick, MD

Core Facility

NCI LASP Animal Research Technology Support (ARTS) provides customized technical support for basic and translational animal-based research to the scientific community. We offer a wide array of services ranging from expert colony management to the Read More...

CCR Radiation Oncology Branch Bioinformatics Core
Bethesda, Maryland

Core Facility


Radiation Oncology Branch is part of CCR. Bioinformatics core is a collaborative resource to support ROB branch and provide service to ROB investigators from NCI and other Institutes access to new technologies, bioinformatics, statistical analysis Read More...

NIH ORS DRS Radioactive Materials Control and Analysis Branch
Bethesda, MD

Trans NIH Facility

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Research Services (ORS) Division of Radiation Safety (DRS) Radioactive Materials Control and Analysis Branch supports radioactive materials packaging/shipping. Established Technologies: In accordance with Department of Transportation ( Read More...

NCI CCR Vaccine Branch Flow Cytometry Core
Bethesda, MD

Core Facility

The NCI Vaccine Branch Flow Cytometry Core is a full-service facility within the Center for Cancer Research that supports over 150 users representing 26 laboratories. The Core Facility provides instrument and software training, technical expertise, assay development, Read More...

NCI Genetics Branch: OMICS Technology Facility
Bethesda, MD


Our operational objectives are to provide state-of-the-art OMICS technologies in support of the Genetics Branch (GB) investigators and collaborators. Research Services: Wet Lab • Single cell isolation from fresh, frozen and FFPE tissue • DNA/RNA extractions Read More...

DTP Repository of Chemical Agents
Rockville, MD


DTP maintains a repository of synthetic compounds and pure natural products that are available to investigators for non-clinical research purposes. The Repository collection is a uniquely diverse set of more than 200,000 compounds that have been Read More...

BRB Preclinical Biologics Repository
Frederick, MD


The BRB Preclinical Repository is a central repository that supplies reagents to the broad research community. This NCI-sponsored repository is managed by NCI's Biological Resources Branch (BRB).  The BRB Preclinical Repository stores cytokines, monoclonal antibodies, Read More...

NIH Clinical Center Department of Laboratory Medicine
Bethesda, MD

Trans NIH Facility

The Department of Laboratory Medicine provides state-of-the-art laboratory testing in support of Clinical Center patient care and will serve as a center of excellence in research and training in laboratory medicine, particularly in areas which Read More...

EIB Confocal Microscopy Facility
Bethesda, MD


EIB Microscopy Facility has following instruments: 1) Abberior STEDYCON super-resolution (STED) microscope; 2) Zeiss LSM 880-NLO confocal / two-photon system; 3) Yokogawa CSU-W1 spinning disck confocal microscope and 4) Zeiss AxioObserver Z1 wide field microscope. As a multi-user facility, the Read More...

NCI LASP Small Animal Imaging Program (SAIP)
Frederick, MD

Core Facility

The function of the SAIP is to collaborate with NCI investigators in the development of mouse models, new molecular imaging probes for early detection and therapy, monitor tumors in vivo, and perform drug efficacy studies Read More...

NIH Clinical Center Clinical Image Processing Service (CIPS)
Bethesda, MD

Trans NIH Facility

The Clinical Image Processing Service (CIPS) offers timely and accurate advanced image processing of diagnostic radiology images for clinical care, research, and training. CIPS’ functions include clinical services and scientific researches. Established Technologies: CIPS can Read More...

NIH Clinical Center Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
Bethesda, MD

Trans NIH Facility

The PET Department at the NIH Clinical Center has three PET scanners dedicated to clinical research. In addition, the facility has three medical cyclotrons and 10 hot cells to produce a wide variety of positron-emitting radiopharmaceuticals. Read More...

DTP Natural Products Repository
Frederick, MD


Trans NIH Facility

DTP’s Natural Products Repository is the world’s largest storehouse of natural products. It houses close to >200,000 extracts from samples of more than 70,000 plants and >20,000 marine organisms collected from more than 29 countries, plus extracts Read More...

Molecular Targets Program (MTP)
Frederick, MD


The Molecular Targets Program (MTP) is an organizational entity within the Center for Cancer Research (CCR) at NCI. The MTP provides the focus and infrastructure to enable CCR tenured and tenure-track Principal Investigators to initiate Read More...

Office of Collaborative Biostatistics
Bethesda, MD


Office of Collaborative Biostatistics, Office of the Clinical Director, is the statistical and data management component of CCR. The Section provides statistical leadership and data management consultation for CCR’s major clinical activities and is Read More...

Molecular Pathology Unit
Bethesda, Maryland


Trans NIH Facility

The Molecular Pathology Unit is intended to spearhead opportunities for bridging basic and clinical research efforts by more precisely optimizing the development, characterization and utilization of models of human disease. The initiative approach includes both Read More...

Chemistry and Synthesis Center
Rockville, MD

Trans NIH Facility

The Chemistry and Synthesis Center (CSC) of the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) provides IRP scientists with targeted imaging probes and chemical tools that help accelerate cell based assays, in vivo imaging studies, Read More...

NCATS Functional Genomics Laboratory
Rockville, MD

Trans NIH Facility

The Functional Genomics Laboratory (formerly, the RNAi Screening Facility) of the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS) assist investigators with all stages of project planning and execution, beginning with assay development through genome-wide siRNA Read More...

NCI Artificial Intelligence Resource (AIR)
Bethesda, MD


The goal of Artificial Intelligence Resource (AIR) is to make AI tools available to Clinical Cancer Research (CCR) investigators. The strength of AI is that algorithms can be trained to seek specific information that may Read More...

NCI Specimen Resource Locator (SRL)


Trans NIH Facility

The Specimen Resource Locator (SRL) is a biospecimen resource database designed to help researchers locate resources that may have the samples needed for their investigational use. This publicly searchable database includes information about biospecimen banks Read More...

NCI Proteomic Data Commons (PDC)
Rockville, MD


Proteomic Data Common (PDC) represents the NCI’s largest public repository of proteogenomic comprehensive tumor datasets, essentially a Proteogenomic Cancer Atlas. It was developed to advance our understanding of how proteins help shape the risk, Read More...

STEP Requests

Web Page

The Staff Scientists/Clinicians (SSSC) Technical Enrichment Program (STEP) was established to provide SSSC’s an opportunity to compete for funding to gain comprehensive training in state-of-the-art techniques available through CCR Cores and Facilities. The Read More...

September 2021

Web Page

CREx News & Updates September 2021 Learn about the NIH Collaborative Research Exchange (CREx), Core Facilities, Webinars, & More NIH Collaborative Research Exchange (CREx) News Site Spotlight FACILITY HIGLIGHTS Learn more about services from the CCR Read More...

November 2021

Web Page

CREx News & Updates November 2021 Learn about the NIH Collaborative Research Exchange (CREx), Core Facilities, Webinars, & More Site Spotlight FACILITY HIGLIGHTS Learn more about services from the NINDS Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Core. NINDS Read More...

December 2021

Web Page

CREx News & Updates December 2021 Learn about the NIH Collaborative Research Exchange (CREx), Core Facilities, Webinars, & More Site Spotlight FACILITY HIGLIGHTS Learn more about services from the STRIDES Initiative. VIEW STRIDES INITIATIVE NIH Cores Read More...

July 2022 Newsletter

Web Page

CREx News & Updates July 2022 Learn about the NIH Collaborative Research Exchange (CREx), Core Facilities, Webinars, & More Click below to learn how easy it is to navigate the CREx platform. These short videos will Read More...

January 2023 Newsletter

Web Page

CREx Monthly Newsletter Learn about the NIH Collaborative Research Exchange (CREx), Core Facilities, Webinars, & More New Resources on CREx NIH NeuroBioBank (NBB) The NBB provides researchers with access to human post-mortem brain tissue Read More...

All Scientific Resources

Web Page

Cores & Facilities From centralized laboratories to collaborative resources and technologies available to CCR Investigators. NCI Cores Centralized laboratories providing broad access to cutting-edge technologies and specialized expertise. Browse NCI Cores Collaborative Resources are technologies and Read More...