Search Results for: FISH Analysis

Total Results Found: 7

Total Results Found: 7

NCI Molecular Cytogenetics Core Facility
Frederick, MD

Core Facility

Molecular Cytogenetics Core Facility facilitates the assessment of structural and numerical genomic changes in pre-cancer and cancer research models. This core provides comprehensive support for the cytogenetic analysis of cells from human and research animal Read More...

NCI Genetics Branch: OMICS Technology Facility
Bethesda, MD


Our operational objectives are to provide state-of-the-art OMICS technologies in support of the Genetics Branch (GB) investigators and collaborators. Research Services: Wet Lab • Single cell isolation from fresh, frozen and FFPE tissue • DNA/RNA extractions Read More...

CCR Optical Microscopy and Analysis Lab (OMAL)
Frederick, MD

Core Facility


OMAL focuses its research and development activities to quantitatively understand the molecular basis of three-dimensional (3D) cell organization, motility, invasion, and differentiation using fixed samples and live, 3D tissue culture models (i.e., translational models). Read More...

CCR Single Cell Analysis Facility (SCAF)
Bethesda, MD

Core Facility

The rapid advancement of single-cell technology has provided new powerful tools to answer many biological questions, such as identifying new or rare cell populations and characterizing the complexities of tumor heterogeneity.  Realizing the great potential Read More...

NIH ORS DRS Radioactive Materials Control and Analysis Branch
Bethesda, MD

Trans NIH Facility

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Research Services (ORS) Division of Radiation Safety (DRS) Radioactive Materials Control and Analysis Branch supports radioactive materials packaging/shipping. Established Technologies: In accordance with Department of Transportation ( Read More...